Miscellaneous emails we send out based on the stage of the case. Also, we sent out corresponding SMS text messages to remind clients/prospects to check their email folders.
Here is a list of the emails. Click on the one of interest.
1. Initial Interview Appointment Confirmation Email
Big Phone Initial Confirmation Email (1 email plus 1 or 2 SMS text reminders)
In Person Confirmation Email (1 email plus 1 or 2 SMS text reminders)
2. Rescheduled Initial Interview Confirmation Email
3.. No Show Email Drip Campaign
4. Cancelled Appointment Email Drip Campaign
5. Failure to Reschedule Emails
6. Filed Case Emails (1 email)
Chapter 7
Chapter 13
7. Chapter 7 Trustee Questionnaire & Instructions To Debtor (Chapter 7 only)
9. 341 Meeting Email (1 email plus 1 or 2 SMS text reminders)
10. Post 341 reminder to get Debtor Education Class done (2nd class of the 2 required)
1. Initial Interview Appointment Confirmation Email
Big Phone Initial Confirmation Email (1 email plus 1 or 2 SMS text messages)
Your FREE "Over-The-Phone" Consultation
Dear {{ participant.name }}:
Thank you for contacting our office: (See our $100 "Show Up & Ready" Discount below)
We very much look forward to helping you learn about all your options. We also look forward to answering all your questions and concerns. This email will confirm that you have an appointment for a FREE "in-depth", "over-the-phone" consultation with us.
Date and Time when we will call you:
You indicated that you would be available to speak with us by telephone on {{ event.date_phrase }} between the hours of {{ event.time_phrase }} and {{ event.end_time_phrase }}.
Please make sure you set this time aside so that we can get in touch with you.
We will call you as soon as we can, hopefully right at {{ event.time_phrase }} or soon thereafter. Please bear with us. Sometimes we get a little jammed on a prior call, just like what happens when you go to someone's office for an appointment. Hopefully, it will never be more than 30 minutes after {{ event.time_phrase }} before we call you. No matter how jammed up we might get, please know that we will call you as soon as we can.
Super-Important: Make sure your phone is on and able to receive calls. For example:
Turn off: Do Not Disturb (“DND”)
Turn off spam blockers.
Turn off “silent mode”.
Just to be on the safe side, if you have not heard from us within 30 minutes after {{ event.time_phrase }}, call us at this number: {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}.
Please know that your call is very important to us, and that we will spend as much time with you as possible to try to answer all your questions and concerns. If we (or you) run out of time on the call, we will gladly set up a follow-up, also FREE, appointment so that we can finish your consultation to make sure you get ALL the answers and information you need.
Also, please make sure you are available at the telephone number you gave us.
We don't know how much time it will take to give you all the answers and information you need. It could take 10 minutes or it could take 2 hours. It just depends on your particular situation.
To be on the safe side, please set aside and plan on spending at least 1 hour on the phone with us.
If you don't have that much time, no problem. We will get as far as we can in the time that you have available.
We want to get you ALL the answers and information you need and we want to address ALL your concerns.
Helpful, but NOT required, for the call:
Grab us your bills and at least one of your paycheck stubs, and
Any letters from creditors or court papers you have, and
Your spouse on the call: If you are married, please try to get your spouse on the call. This is NOT required, but it does help avoid the problem of having to explain everything to your spouse after the call
Within the next 48 hours: We Need You To Fill Out Our “Online” INTAKE FORM. We need this form filled out in order to get started on your FREE Consulation. The reason is simple. We need this information to understand your entire situation, so that we can fully and properly answer your questions, and so that we don’t miss something important when we talk with you.
IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to cancel your FREE consultation if the INTAKE FORM is not filled out and submitted within the next 48 hours.
You may already have filled out our INTAKE FORM. If so, great. If not, it’s not hard to do so. Just do your best and we will do the rest. If it helps, just fill it in based on what you know off the top of your head, without looking things up. We can always fill in the rest of the details later.
Just so you know: Our INTAKE FORM is fairly long, but please know that ALL the information on the form is important.
Don't miss out on our: $100 "Show Up & Ready" For My Appointment" Discount (SEE BELOW).
No Show + No Intake Form = No Re-schedule: At the very least, you need to be available for your scheduled appointment. If not, unless you have already filled out our INTAKE FORM, we will NOT re-schedule you until you do-your-best to fill out our INTAKE FORM.
How to get started: With this email open on our computer, just click on this button:
Clicking on this button should take you to a webpage called “OUR INTAKE FORM”.
Alternate route to the form: If need be, you can also access our INTAKE FORM as follows: Just go to www.billsbills.com on your desktop or laptop computer, and then click on the “INTAKE FORM” tab at the top of the page. Or, on a smart phone, go to www.billsbills.com, then click on the " " icon at the top, and then click on "INTAKE FORM".
Either way, this will take you to a page that explains more about the INTAKE FORM and how to fill it out. When you are ready, click on the orange “FILL OUT INTAKE FORM” button. This will take you to the INTAKE FORM. Then, please fill out the entire form as best you can.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have already filled out our "INTAKE FORM", there is no need to fill it out again.
IMPORTANT: When you are finished filling out the form, you must click on the "Submit My Form" button located at the end of the form. Doing so is necessary to send your completed form to our office.
Best practice note: Our INTAKE FORM can be filled out on a smart phone, but it is much easier to fill it out on a computer that offers a bigger screen.
Totally confidential: Please rest assured that everything we talk about will be kept totally confidential.
$0 MONEY-DOWN: And when we speak, don’t forget to ask us about our new “$0 MONEY-DOWN” program.
Problems or concerns: If you have problems or concerns, please feel free to call us at {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}. If we are not available, please leave us a message and we will do my best to get right back to you.
Did you know? We have helped over 70,343 families get the debt help they need. Chances are we can help you too.
We look forward to meeting you.
$100 "Show Up & Ready" For My Appointment" Discount:
To qualify, you must:
1. Be available at your scheduled appointment time,
2. Be available for at least 1 full hour, and
3. Have completed our "INTAKE FORM"
In Person Confirmation Email (1 email plus 1 or 2 SMS text messages)
Your FREE "In-Person" Consultation
Dear {{ participant.name }}:
Thank you for contacting our office. This email will confirm that you have an appointment for a FREE Consultation at the following date, time, and place:
{{ event.date_phrase }}
{{ event.time_phrase }}
{{ calendar.name }}
{{ location.address }}
(See our $100 “Show Up & Ready” Discount below.)
What happens at your consultation? At your consultation, you will meet with a member of our staff who is fully trained and experienced in helping you find the best solution to your debt problems. During your consultation, we will try to answer all your questions, show you all your options and address all your concerns. This can take well over an hour, so please plan accordingly.
The consultation is FREE. The information is FREE. The answers are FREE. However, please know that we have set aside this appointment time especially for you, and likely turned away others who wanted this same appointment time. So...please...all we ask is that you promise to show up for your appointment.
Need a Map or Directions? If you need more detail, click here: www.billsbills.com/our-offices . If that does NOT work, using the internet, go to www.billsbills.com and click on the “Locations” tab at the top of the page. If you need more information on how to find our office, please call our office at {{ location.phone }}.
Things To Bring With You To Your Appointment. No problem! Just grab-up and bring with you:
Your bills and one of your paycheck stubs. No need to make any lists at this point, and
Any letters from creditors or court papers you have, and
Your Spouse: If you are married, please try to bring your spouse with you. This is NOT required, but it makes it easier to answer all your questions and, if you bring your spouse with you, you will avoid the problem of having to explain everything to your spouse when you get home.
Don't miss out on our: $100 "Show Up & Ready” Discount (SEE BELOW).
Within the next 48 hours: We need for you to fill out our "online" INTAKE FORM. We need this form filled out in order to get started on your FREE Consulation.
IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to cancel your FREE Consultation if the INTAKE FORM is not submitted within 48 hours.
PLEASE NOTE: The INTAKE FORM is fairly long. However, please know that all of the information is important. Just do your best and we will do the rest.
With this email open, to get started, just click on this button:
Clicking on this button should take you to a webpage called “OUR INTAKE FORM”.
Alternate route to the form: If need be, you can also access our INTAKE FORM as follows: Just go to www.billsbills.com on your desktop or laptop computer, and then click on the “INTAKE FORM” tab at the top of the page. Or, on a smart phone, go to www.billsbills.com, then click on the " " icon at the top, and then click on "INTAKE FORM".
Either way, this will take you to a page that explains more about the questionnaire and how to fill it out. When you are ready, click on the orange “FILL OUT INTAKE FORM” button. This will take you to the questionnaire. Then, please fill out the entire form as best you can.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have already filled out our "INTAKE FORM", there is no need to fill it out again.
IMPORTANT: When you are finished filling out the form, you must click on the "Submit My Form" button located at the end of the form. Doing so is necessary to send your completed form to our office.
No Show + No Intake Form = No Re-schedule: At the very least, you need to show up for your scheduled appointment. If you do NOT show up, unless you have already filled out our INTAKE FORM, we will NOT re-schedule you until you do-your-best to fill out our INTAKE FORM.
Best Practice Note: Our INTAKE FORM can be filled out on a smart phone, but it is much easier to fill it out on a computer that offers a bigger screen.
Totally Confidential: Please rest assured that everything discussed during your consultation will be kept totally confidential.
Want To Learn More? You can. First, we suggest you watch or listen to our free 24 hour recorded debt helpline. To watch it, just go to www.billsbills.com. On the right-hand side, in the “Top Six Topics” section, click on “Everything You Need To Know About Bankruptcy”. Then, click on the “arrow” in the box which shows my photo. To listen to it, just call toll free to 1-888-610-2442. Second, on the same website, you can find information on over 200 different topics regarding bankruptcy and debt relief.
$0 MONEY-DOWN: And when you come in, don’t forget to ask us about our “$0 MONEY-DOWN” program.
Questions About Your Appointment? If you have any questions or concerns about your appointment, please call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}.
We have helped over 70,343 families get free from the burden of debt. Chances are we can help you too.
We look forward to meeting you.
$100 "Show Up & Ready” For My Appointment Discount:
To qualify, you must:
1. Be available at your scheduled appointment time,
2. Be available for at least 1 full hour, and
3. Have completed our "INTAKE FORM"
2. Rescheduled Initial Interview Confirmation Email
Big Phone Rescheduled Confirmation Email
Your FREE "Over-The-Phone" Consultation
Dear {{ participant.name }}:
Thank you for re-scheduling your over-the-phone appointment with our office: (See $100 Discount below)
We very much look forward to helping you learn about all your options. We also look forward to answering all your questions and concerns. This email will confirm that you have an appointment for a FREE "in-depth", "over-the-phone" consultation with us.
Date and Time when we will call you:
When we spoke, you indicated that you would be available to speak with us by telephone on {{ event.date_phrase }} between the hours of {{ event.time_phrase }} and {{ event.end_time_phrase }}.
We will call you as soon as we can, hopefully right at {{ event.time_phrase }} or soon thereafter. Please bear with us. Sometimes we get a little jammed on a prior call, just like what happens when you go to someone's office for an appointment. Hopefully, it will never be more than 30 minutes after {{ event.time_phrase }} before we call you. No matter how jammed up we might get, please know that we will call you as soon as we can.
Please know that your call is very important to us, and that we will spend as much time with you as possible to try to answer all your questions and concerns. If we (or you) run out of time on the call, we will gladly set up a follow-up, also FREE, appointment so that we can finish your consultation to make sure you get ALL the answers and information you need.
We don't know how much time it will take to give you all the answers and information you need. It could take 10 minutes or it could take 2 hours. It just depends on your particular situation.
To be on the safe side, please set aside and plan on spending at least 2 hours on the phone with us.
If you don't have that much time, no problem. We will get as far as we can in the time that you have available.
We want to get you ALL the answers and information you need and we want to address ALL your concerns.
2 Things:
Please make sure you set this time aside on your calendar so that we can get in touch with you.
Also, please make sure you are available at the telephone number you gave us.
Helpful, but NOT required, for the call:
● Grab us your bills and at least one of your paycheck stubs.
● Any letters from creditors or court papers you have.
● Your spouse on the call: If you are married, please try to get your spouse on the call. This is NOT required, but it does help avoid the problem of having to explain everything to your spouse after the call.
Don't miss out on our: $100 "Ready For My Appointment" Discount (SEE BELOW).
BEFORE THE CALL, we need for you to fill out our “online” INTAKE FORM. We need this form filled out in order to get started on your FREE consultation. The reason is simple: we need this information to understand your entire situation, so that we can fully and properly answer your questions, and so that we don’t miss something important when we talk with you.
You should already have filled out our INTAKE FORM. If so, great.
If not, you need to do so BEFORE we call you.
It’s not hard to fill it out. Just do your best to fill out this form and we will do the rest. If it helps, just fill it in based on what you know off the top of your head, without looking things up. We can always fill in the rest of the details later. Just do your best.
Just so you know: The INTAKE FORM is fairly long, but, please know that ALL the information on the form is important.
How to get started: With this email open, just click on this button:
Clicking on this button should take you to a webpage called “OUR INTAKE FORM”.
Alternate route to the form: If need be, you can also access the INTAKE FORM “online” as follows: Just go to www.billsbills.com on your desktop or laptop computer, and then click on the “INTAKE FORM” tab at the top of the page. Or, on a smart phone, go to www.billsbills.com, then click on the " " icon at the top, and then click on "INTAKE FORM".
Either way, this will take you to a page that explains more about the Intake Form and how to fill it out. When you are ready, click on the orange “FILL OUT INTAKE FORM” button. This will take you to the Intake Form. Then, please fill out the entire form as best you can.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have already filled out our "INTAKE FORM", there is no need to fill it out again.
IMPORTANT: When you are finished filling out the form, you must click on the "Submit" button located at the end of the form. Doing so is necessary to send your completed form to our office.
Best practice note: This form can be filled out on a smart phone, but it is much easier to fill it out on a computer that offers a bigger screen..
Totally confidential: Please rest assured that everything we talk about will be kept totally confidential.
$0 MONEY-DOWN: And when we speak, don’t forget to ask me about our new “$0 MONEY-DOWN” program.
Problems or concerns: If you have problems or concerns, please feel free to call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}.
We have helped over 70,343 families get free from the burden of debt. Chances are we can help you too.
We look forward to being of assistance to you.
$100 "Ready For My Appointment" Discount
To qualify, you must:
1. Be available at your scheduled appointment time,
2. Be available for at least 1 full hour, and
3. Have completed our "INTAKE FORM"
In Person Rescheduled Confirmation Email
Your FREE "In-Person" Consultation
Dear {{ participant.name }}:
Thank you for re-scheduling your appointment with our office. This email will confirm that you have an appointment for a FREE Consultation at the following date, time, and place:
Date: {{ event.date_phrase }}
Time:{{ event.time_phrase }}
Place:{{ calendar.name }}
Address:{{ location.address }}
What happens at your consultation? At your consultation, you will meet with a member of our staff who is fully trained and experienced in helping you find the best solution to your debt problems. During your consultation, we will try to answer all your questions, show you all your options and address all your concerns. This can take well over an hour, so please plan accordingly.
The consultation is FREE. The information is FREE. The answers are FREE. However, please know that we have set aside this appointment slot especially for you., and likely turned away others who wanted this same appointment time. So...please...all we ask is that you promise to show up for your appointment.
Need a Map or Directions? If you need more detail, click here: www.billsbills.com/our-offices . If that does NOT work, using the internet, go to www.billsbills.com and click on the “Locations” tab at the top of the page. If you need more information on how to find our office, please call our office at {{ location.phone }}.
Things To Bring With You To Your Appointment. No problem! Just grab-up and bring with you:
(1) Your bills and one of your paycheck stubs. No need to make any lists at this point
(2) Any letters from creditors or court papers you have.
(3) Your Spouse: If you are married, please try to bring your spouse with you. This is NOT required, but it makes it easier to answer all your questions and, if you bring your spouse with you, you will avoid the problem of having to explain everything to your spouse when you get home.
BEFORE WE GET STARTED: You should already have filled out and submitted our "online" INTAKE FORM. We need this form filled out in order to get started on your FREE consultation. The reason is simple: we need this information to understand your entire situation, so that we can fully and properly answer your questions, and so that we don’t miss something important when we talk with you.
Just so you know: This INTAKE FORM is fairly long, but please know that all of the information is important. Just do your best and we will do the rest.
If not, with this email open, just click on this button to get started:
Clicking on this button should take you to a webpage called “OUR INTAKE FORM”.
Alternate route to the form: If need be, you can also access the INTAKE FORM “online” as follows: Just go to www.billsbills.com on your desktop or laptop computer, and then click on the “INTAKE FORM” tab at the top of the page. Or, on a smart phone, go to www.billsbills.com, then click on the " " icon at the top, and then click on "INTAKE FORM".
Either way, this will take you to a page that explains more about the questionnaire and how to fill it out. When you are ready, click on the orange “FILL OUT INTAKE FORM” button. This will take you to the Intake Form (aka "Initial Interview Questionnaire"). Then, please fill out the entire form as best you can.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have already filled out our "INTAKE FORM", there is no need to fill it out again.
IMPORTANT: When you are finished filling out the form, please click on the "Submit My Form" button located at the end of the form. Doing so will send your completed form to our office.
Best Practice Note: This form can be filled out on a smart phone, but it is much easier to fill it out on a computer that offers a bigger screen.
Totally Confidential: Please rest assured that everything discussed during your consultation will be kept totally confidential.
Want To Learn More? You can. First, we suggest you watch or listen to our free 24 hour recorded debt helpline. To watch it, just go to www.billsbills.com. On the right-hand side, in the “Top Six Topics” section, click on “Everything You Need To Know About Bankruptcy”. Then, click on the “arrow” in the box which shows my photo. To listen to it, just call toll free to 1-888-610-2442. Second, on the same website, you can find information on over 200 different topics regarding bankruptcy and debt relief.
$0 MONEY-DOWN: And when you come in, don’t forget to ask us about our “$0 MONEY-DOWN” program.
Questions About Your Appointment? If you have any questions or concerns about your appointment, please call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}.
We have helped over 70,343 families get free from the burden of debt. Chances are we can help you too.
We look forward to meeting you.
3. No Show Email (1 longer email, plus a series of short follow-up email messages)
Oh no, you didn't make it to your FREE consultation!
Dear {{ participant.name }}:
I write because I noticed you didn't make it to your FREE consultation with our office.
I do hope nothing bad happened.
Call now and we will set you up with another FREE consultation.
Day or night, just call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}.
Unfortunately, as I am sure you already know, debt problems don’t just go away on their own. I wish they did. In most cases, they just get worse. Interest, fees and penalties get piled onto accounts. And, minimum payments don't get you out of debt. Creditors pummel you with increasingly nasty calls. And, if you're like most people, the worry, strain, stress and loss of sleep will wear you out.
The sad truth is that "Living in debt. That's not living".
That’s why we exist. WE KILL OFF DEBT, SO YOU CAN LIVE. Kill off enough debt and you...and your family...can thrive, and not just survive. And gone will be the stress and worry of too-much-debt.
I solve debt problems...so you don't have to. You have debt problems. You give them to me. You have other things to worry about. Let me deal with your debt problems.
Thought you might want to know: Client's are always telling us that: "Filing bankruptcy was the best thing I ever did". Shocked? SO WERE THEY. Why? Because the results can be amazing. That's why. And, amazing results make for a better life.
Find out for yourself. Call and let's get you re-scheduled for another FREE consultation.
Maybe filing bankruptcy is the answer. Maybe not.
But, know this. Either way, we’ll get you the answers you need. We’ll show you all your options. We’ll address all your concerns….all of them…no matter what they are and we will do it for FREE. And, we’ll treat you right.
And, you will find out how much "amazing" you can achieve.
Let me ask you this: If you could get rid of many, if not most, if not all of your debts, with the stroke of a pen, and if those debts were GONE, FULLY, FINALLY AND FOREVER...would that make for a better life?
Maybe, you think you can’t afford an attorney? Well, that’s why we offer a FREE consultation and even better, if you qualify, and lots of people do, you can get filed for $0 Money Down. That’s right. $0 Money Down. No upfront fees. No upfront costs. $0 Money Down.
We have helped over 70,343 families get free from the burden of debt. No kidding, over 70,343 families. That's a lot of help. So…chances are, we can help you too.
And, our promise: With us...you will be treated with the care, concern, love and respect you deserve. That’s our promise. But, don’t take my word for it. There’s a reason we have over 2,500 Five-Star Google reviews. Check us out on Google. Like what you see?
Then…please…don’t wait another minute. Call today and let us set you up with another FREE consultation.
We’re not going to embarrass you. We are not going to make you feel uncomfortable. And, we’re not going to judge you. Far from it. We’ve done enough of this to know what you’re going through. We know you’ve had enough. We know it was hard to call us and we know it’s even harder to come see us. But, do it any way. We are good, kind, caring people, dedicated to helping other people, the same as other people in our lives have helped each of us. Yes, we are a law firm. But, we are a special law firm, a law firm intentionally staffed with people who care about other people, a law firm where clients become family.
Just know this: We are here to help and that, likely, we have the answers you need.
Just call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}.
And, just so you know, you can call anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
My staff and I look forward to serving you.
John T. Orcutt
4. Cancelled Appointment Email (1 longer email, plus a series of short follow-up email messages
Oh no! You cancelled your FREE consultation
Dear {{ participant.name }}:
I write because I noticed you cancelled your FREE consultation with our office.
I do hope nothing bad happened.
If you change your mind, know that we are still here to help.
Day or night, just call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }} to set up another FREE consultation.
Unfortunately, as I am sure you already know, debt problems don’t just go away on their own. I wish they did. In most cases, they just get worse. Interest, fees and penalties get piled onto accounts. And, minimum payments don't get you out of debt. Creditors pummel you with increasingly nasty calls. And, if you're like most people, the worry, strain, stress and loss of sleep will wear you out.
The sad truth is that "Living in debt. That's not living".
That’s why we exist. WE KILL OFF DEBT, SO YOU CAN LIVE. Kill off enough debt and you...and your family...can thrive, and not just survive.
I solve debt problems...so you don't have to. You have debt problems. You give them to me. You have other things to worry about. Let me deal with your debt problems.
When you come see us, we show you ALL your options, answer ALL your questions and address ALL your concerns. And...we do it for FREE.
Without doubt, among other things, we will talk about the bankruptcy law option. Why? Because the bankruptcy law works wonders in getting people out of debt. That's the simple truth. For most people, it seems like magic. Now, you owe...POOF!...now you don't.
THE GOOD NEWS: Clients are always telling us that "Filing bankruptcy was the best thing I ever did". Shocked? SO WERE THEY. Want to find out why? It starts with understanding this:
Bankruptcy gets rid of debt. It actually gets rid of debt. Lots of debt. And the debt it gets rid of is gone, FULLY, FINALLY AND FOREVER.
For many people, this is impossible to understand, at least at first. Why? Because we are so programmed to pay our bills, that the thought of not having to, is just too hard to comprehend. So many times, we consult with people and go through the whole thing, only to have them turn to us at the end and say: "Yeah, yeah, but when do I have to pay them back?" Our answer: "NEVER". Why? Because bankruptcy is a law, a law that gives you the right to get rid of certain debts, sometimes all your debt. Why? Because that's just how the law works. It's a right you have under that law, as an American, that applies if things get so bad that you have more bills than you can pay. All you have to do is claim your right under that law, and many, if not most, if not all of your debts will be gone, fully, finally and forever. If it helps you to understand, think of it as the "forgiveness" of debt under the law.
Forgiveness of debt: The legal term for when bankruptcy gets rid of your debt is "discharged", but the best way to think about it is that bankruptcy provides for the "forgiveness of debt", lots of debt, sometimes even all your debt. It just depends.
File bankruptcy and many, if not most, if not all, of your debt will be "forgiven". Did you know that? Like I said, most people find that hard to believe; that you could just file some papers with the court and certain debts are gone. But, it's true, and it has always been true as long as that law has been on the books.
Now, can you see why clients might turn to us and say: "Filing bankruptcy was the best thing I ever did"? Think about it. If you can get rid of a bunch of your debt, by just filing bankruptcy, think about how much better your life would be...INSTANTLY! Less debt means less worry, less stress, less anxiety and more money for your family.
Filing bankruptcy is like having a 100% chance of winning the lottery. If you had a 100% chance of winning, would you buy a lottery ticket? You bet you would. Who wouldn’t? Filing bankruptcy is like that. File bankruptcy and you win! You will have less debt...100% guaranteed...and, in almost all cases, a lot less debt...100% guaranteed. Some people end up with no debt. And, think about it. Less debt to pay = More money left in your pocket. So, if you can get rid of a bunch of debt...100% guaranteed, put that debt-payment-money back in your pocket...and, as a result, get yourself the fresh start you need, why wouldn’t you?
How do I know all this? I have helped over 70,343 families use the "power" of the bankruptcy laws to get them free from the burden of debt. No kidding, over 70,343 families. That's a lot of help. So…chances are, we can help you too.
Want to learn more?
Did you know that bankruptcy is a Federal law? That's right, a Federal law. A Federal law put in place long ago to get good, honest, hard-working people, just like you, out of debt and back on their feet. A Federal law designed to give you a "fresh start" and a "second chance" at a better life. Is it time to "claim your right" under Federal law to say goodbye to many, if not most, if not all of your debts, and "claim your right" to a better life?
To debt or NOT to debt: If you had the choice between having debt and NOT having debt, which would you choose? NOT having debt...of course. Getting rid of debt is what bankruptcy does best.
Does coming to see us mean you're a bad person? Of course not. It just means you have more debt than you can pay, and coming to see us just means you're doing something about it.
Maybe filing bankruptcy is the answer for you. Maybe not. But the truth is, you have nothing to lose by coming to see us. The consultation is FREE. The information is FREE. The answers are FREE.
Does it make any sense NOT to find out what your rights are, if you can find out for FREE?
You come see us and I guarantee you this? There will be no pressure. Our free consult is no pressure, no strings attached. We just want a chance to tell you the real truth about bankruptcy. Why? Because, until you find out how bankruptcy really works, you are stuck with all the misinformation and misconceptions about bankruptcy and how it really works. The smart move would be to come in, sit down with us, and make us tell you what's what. We are offering to do it for FREE. Hold us to it. Then, after you get the answers and information you need, you decide.
Fortunately for us, we know you will be amazed at how much debt you can get rid of, how much better you will feel, and how kind, considerate, loving and respectful we are. Don't take my word for it. Read our Google reviews. Have you read any of our Google reviews? If not, please do, even if it's only a couple of them. Just Google search for "John Orcutt Attorney" When you do, hopefully, you will know that coming to see us is exactly the right thing to do.
People are amazed to find out the truth, amazed to find out how much better their lives can be (with the stoke of a pen), and...equally important...amazed at just how well they got treated by my staff I know that how well we treat you is even more important than what we do for you.
How do I know you will be treated right? Easy. Because I only hire nice people to work for me, people who care about other people. So, I ask you: "What happened?" You set up an appointment and then you cancelled.
Did someone bad mouth bankruptcy? Did someone say something to you, maybe something like "Oh, you don't want to file bankruptcy!". Super unfortunately, this happens from time to time. The problem is that, no matter how much the person cares about or even loves you, they don't really know how bankruptcy really works. And, how could they. The truth is that bankruptcy does NOT work the way they think. It just doesn't, and to make things worse, the world out there is full of misinformation about bankruptcy, what it means and how it works. Misinformation your creditors love to throw at you. Why? Because, until you file bankruptcy, they can keep coming at you.
Sure, you want to pay your bills. Most people do. You are in good company. In fact, almost every person who come to see us says the same thing: "If I could pay all my bills, I wouldn't be here." To which I say, "Good, that just means your honest." But, honest alone does not get the bills paid.
Too many bills to pay? If so, you are NOT alone. What you probably don't know is that, all around you, there are people who got the kind of help that only filing bankruptcy can provide. But you will never know it. They are not showy and they don't brag. They're just glad the pressure is off and that they got a second chance at a fresh start, and a reason to get up in the morning and feel good about the coming of each new day.
Why do people come see us? Easy. Because they can't pay all their bills, and they have not been able to for a long time, because they are tired, because they are not getting any younger, and because they simply don't want to "live and die in debt". And because, when it comes down to it, their families are suffering.
Are creditors getting paid at the expense of your family? You want to pay all your creditors and you want to provide for your family. But, if you can't do both, which is more important? Your family, of course. Want to put your family first? File bankruptcy. Bankruptcy gets rid of debt and getting rid of debt frees up money you need for your family.
So, please, pick up the phone, and call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }} re-schedule your FREE appointment and get in here.
Find out how bankruptcy really works. Find out how much debt you can get "forgiven". Find out what it can do for you and your family. And, then, make your own decision. If filing bankruptcy doesn't do enough for you, don't do it. Just get up and leave. But if it could, wouldn't you want to know?
If filing bankruptcy doesn't do ALL these things, don't do it. If filing bankruptcy doesn’t improve your situation, leave you with less debt, get rid of your worry, get you back to sleeping at night, reduce your stress and leave you feeling happy to be alive and looking forward to each new day, don’t do it. But, if it can do all those things and more, wouldn’t you want to know, especially if you can find out for FREE?
Just know this. When you come in, we’ll get you the answers you need. We’ll show you all your options. We’ll address all your concerns….all of them…no matter what they are. And, in the process, this is my GUARANTEE: WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT.
Think you can’t afford an attorney. You can. That’s why we offer a FREE consultation and even better, if you qualify, and lots of people do, you can get filed for $0 Money Down. That’s right. $0 Money Down. No upfront fees. No upfront costs. $0 Money Down.
And, you can trust us to treat you with the care, concern, love and respect you deserve. That’s our promise. But, again, don’t take my word for it.
There’s a reason we have over 2,500 Five-Star Google reviews.
Check us out. Like what you see? Then…please…don’t lose another night's sleep. Call today and let us set you up with another FREE consultation.
We’re not going to embarrass you. We’re not going to judge you. We’ve done enough of this to know what you’re going through. We know you’ve had enough. We know it was hard to call us and we know it’s even harder to come see us. But, do it any way. We are good, kind, caring people, dedicated to helping other people, the same as other people in our lives have helped each of us.
Yes, we are a law firm. But, we are a special law firm. Why? Because I intentionally and on purpose made it a point to only hire people who care about other people.
We are here to help. Day or night, just call {{ calendar.custom.localnumber }}.
My staff and I look forward to meeting you and serving you.
John T. Orcutt
5. Failure to Reschedule Email
(To "No Shows", 7 days later, same email we send to "Cancelled" appointments.)
6. Filed Case Email (1 email)
Chapter 7
Eastern District Chapter 7
Congratulations from your attorney John Orcutt
Dear client(s):
Your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case has been filed.
You have taken a giant step in getting your life back, getting out of debt, and hopefully getting rid of most, if not all, of the stress, worry, and sleepless nights that have plagued you. You have now accessed the almost magical power of bankruptcy.
Just so you know, your case was filed on {{ event.custom.filing_date | date: "%-m/%d/%Y" }} and your bankruptcy case number is {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}. The name of the trustee assigned to oversee your case on behalf of the court is {{ event.custom.trustee }}.
Within 4 to 10 days after filing bankruptcy, the court will send you a document called “Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case”.
Please be sure to keep checking your mail. When you receive this document, please take the time to read it over fully and carefully. It contains a lot of important information.
After you have finished reading it, print out a copy to put with your other important papers. You may need it later to provide proof that you filed.
Your court meeting:
Among other things, this document will provide you with the date and time for your mandatory court meeting.
On this document, this meeting is referred to as the “meeting of creditors”. There is a reason for this. Your creditors are also invited to attend this meeting. But, don’t worry. Normally, none of them do.
You can just think of it as your court meeting with your Trustee.
Usually, at the meeting, it’s just you, us (your attorney) and your Trustee.
As you will see, the date set for your court meeting will be anywhere from 25 to 45 days after your case is filed.
When you get this document, find the “meeting of creditors” date and time. Please put this date and time on your calendar.
You must attend this meeting. If you have a spouse, and you and your spouse filed bankruptcy together, please know that your spouse must also attend this meeting.
Just so you know, this meeting will be conducted "online" using "ZOOM video".
NOT TO WORRY: We will be sending you another email about 7 days ahead of your court meeting with instructions on what all is involved and explaining how the whole "ZOOM video" thing works. Attending by ZOOM video may be brand new to you, but it is just new, not hard, and if need be, our staff will assist you. The really good news is that since you can attend the meeting "online" using ZOOM video, unlike the old days, you no longer have get in your car and drive to your court meeting.
There is a chance that the time listed on the “Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case” will be changed somewhat. If this happens, the reason for this is simple. The Trustee needs to time out the appearances to allow for social distancing.
Just so you know, later on, if the time for your meeting gets changed, we will let you know.
Who in our office will handle your case from here on out?
Now that your case has been filed, it has been re-assigned to a member of our staff who specialize in the issues that come up AFTER filing. This person works in our “post-legal” department. And just so you know, your case is assigned based upon the first letter of your last name as follows: (As of 1/30/23)
If your “last name” starts with: Your paralegal is:
Your paralegal’s email address: _____________________________
If you have any questions from here on out, please email this staff member directly.
Lastly, I cannot thank you enough for placing your trust in us.
Take care and good luck,
John T. Orcutt
Your Attorney
Middle District Chapter 7
Congratulations from your attorney John Orcutt
Dear client(s):
Your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case has been filed.
You have taken a giant step in getting your life back, getting out of debt, and hopefully getting rid of most, if not all, of the stress, worry, and sleepless nights that have plagued you. You have now accessed the almost magical power of bankruptcy.
Just so you know, your case was filed on {{ event.custom.filing_date | date: "%-m/%d/%Y" }} and your bankruptcy case number is {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}. The name of the trustee assigned to oversee your case on behalf of the court is {{ event.custom.trustee }}.
Within 4 to 10 days after filing bankruptcy, the court will send you a document called “Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case”.
Please be sure to keep checking your mail. When you receive this document, please take the time to read it over fully and carefully. It contains a lot of important information.
After you have finished reading it, print out a copy to put with your other important papers. You may need it later to provide proof that you filed.
Your court meeting:
Among other things, this document will provide you with the date and time for your mandatory court meeting.
On this document, this meeting is referred to as the “meeting of creditors”. There is a reason for this. Your creditors are also invited to attend this meeting. But, don’t worry. Normally, none of them do.
You can just think of it as your court meeting with your Trustee.
Usually, at the meeting, it’s just you, us (your attorney) and your Trustee.
As you will see, the date set for your court meeting will be anywhere from 25 to 45 days after your case is filed.
When you get this document, find the “meeting of creditors” date and time. Please put this date and time on your calendar.
You must attend this meeting. If you have a spouse, and you and your spouse filed bankruptcy together, please know that your spouse must also attend this meeting.
Just so you know, this meeting will be conducted either “in person” or "over-the-phone". Please look at the notice you received to determine which.
There is a chance that the time listed on the “Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case” will be changed somewhat. If this happens, the reason for this is simple. The Trustee needs to time out the appearances to allow for social distancing.
Just so you know, later on, if the time for your meeting gets changed, we will let you know.
Who in our office will handle your case from here on out?
Now that your case has been filed, it has been re-assigned to a member of our staff who specialize in the issues that come up AFTER filing. This person works in our “post-legal” department. And just so you know, your case is assigned based upon the first letter of your last name as follows: (As of 1/30/23)
If your “last name” starts with: Your paralegal is:
Your paralegal’s email address: ________________________________
If you have any questions from here on out, please email this staff member directly.
Lastly, I cannot thank you enough for placing your trust in us.
Take care and good luck,
John T. Orcutt
Your Attorney
Chapter 13
Eastern District Chapter 13
Congratulations from your attorney John Orcutt
Your Chapter 13 bankruptcy case has been filed.
You have taken a giant step in getting your life back, getting out of debt, and hopefully getting rid of most, if not all, of the stress, worry, and sleepless nights that have plagued you. You have now accessed the almost magical power of bankruptcy.
Just so you know, your case was filed on {{ event.custom.filing_date | date: "%-m/%d/%Y" }} and your bankruptcy case number is {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}. The name of the trustee assigned to oversee your case on behalf of the court is {{ event.custom.trustee }}.
Within 4 to 10 days after filing bankruptcy, the court will send you a document called “Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case”.
Please be sure to keep checking your mail. When you receive this document, please take the time to read it over fully and carefully. It contains a lot of important information.
After you have finished reading it, print out a copy to put with your other important papers. You may need it later to provide proof that you filed.
Your court meeting:
Among other things, this document it will provide you with the date and time for your mandatory court meeting.
On this document, this meeting is referred to as the “meeting of creditors”. There is a reason for this. Your creditors are also invited to attend this meeting. But, don’t worry. Normally, none of them do.
You can just think of it as your court meeting with your Trustee.
Usually, at the meeting, it’s just you, us (your attorney) and your Trustee.
As you will see, the date set for your court meeting will be anywhere from 25 to 45 days after your case is filed.
When you get this document, find the “meeting of creditors” date and time. Please put this date and time on your calendar.
You must attend this meeting. If you have a spouse, and you and your spouse filed bankruptcy together, please know that your spouse must also attend this meeting.
Just so you know, this meeting will be conducted "online" using "ZOOM video".
NOT TO WORRY: We will be sending you another email about 7 days ahead of your court meeting with instructions on what all is involved and explaining how the whole "ZOOM video" thing works. Attending by ZOOM video may be brand new to you, but it is just new, not hard, and if need be, our staff will assist you. The really good news is that since you can attend the meeting "online" using ZOOM video, unlike the old days, you no longer have get in your car and drive to your court meeting.
There is a chance that the time listed on the “Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case” will be changed somewhat. If this happens, the reason for this is simple. The Trustee needs to time out the appearances to allow for social distancing.
Just so you know, later on, if the time for your meeting gets changed, we will let you know.
In the meantime, before this meeting, please do the following:
(1) Please get your mandatory AFTER-FILING Debtor Education class completed.
This is the second and last class you need to complete. Hopefully, you were already provided instructions by my office on how to complete this class using a company called DECAF. The class is easy. You just need to get it done in the next couple of weeks.
(2) Please get started making your Chapter 13 plan payments.
You should also have been given a document called “Getting Started in Chapter 13”.Please pull this document and take a look at it.It tells you exactly how much, when, where, and to whom you need to send your payments.
It is crucial that you make your payments on-time.
IMPORTANT: Personal checks will NOT be accepted. You must pay by money order, cashier’s check or certified funds, until, if and when your payments start coming out by payroll deduction.
Who in our office will handle your case from here on out?
Now that your case has been filed, it has been re-assigned to a member of my staff who specializes in the issues that come up AFTER filing. This person works in our “post-legal” department. And just so you know, your case is assigned based upon the first letter of your last name as follows: (As of 1/30/23)
If your “last name” starts with: Your paralegal is:
Your paralegal’s email address: ____________________________
If you have any questions from here on out, please email this staff member directly.
Lastly, I cannot thank you enough for placing your trust in my law firm.
Take care and good luck,
John T. Orcutt
Your Attorney
Middle District Chapter 13
Congratulations from your attorney John Orcutt
Dear client(s):
Your Chapter 13 bankruptcy case has been filed.
You have taken a giant step in getting your life back, getting out of debt, and hopefully getting rid of most, if not all, of the stress, worry, and sleepless nights that have plagued you. You have now accessed the almost magical power of bankruptcy.
Just so you know, your case was filed on {{ event.custom.filing_date | date: "%-m/%d/%Y" }} and your bankruptcy case number is {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}. The name of the trustee assigned to oversee your case on behalf of the court is {{ event.custom.trustee }}.
Within 4 to 10 days after filing bankruptcy, the court will send you a document called “Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case”.
Please be sure to keep checking your mail. When you receive this document, please take the time to read it over fully and carefully. It contains a lot of important information.
After you have finished reading it, print out a copy to put with your other important papers. You may need it later to provide proof that you filed.
Your court meeting:
Among other things, this document it will provide you with the date and time for your mandatory court meeting.
On this document, this meeting is referred to as the “meeting of creditors”. There is a reason for this. Your creditors are also invited to attend this meeting. But, don’t worry. Normally, none of them do.
You can just think of it as your court meeting with your Trustee.
Usually, at the meeting, it’s just you, us (your attorney) and your Trustee.
As you will see, the date set for your court meeting will be anywhere from 25 to 45 days after your case is filed.
When you get this document, find the “meeting of creditors” date and time. Please put this date and time on your calendar.
You must attend this meeting. If you have a spouse, and you and your spouse filed bankruptcy together, please know that your spouse must also attend this meeting.
Just so you know, this meeting will be conducted "online" over ZOOM video.
NOT TO WORRY: We will be sending you another email about 7 days ahead of your court meeting with instructions on what all is involved and explaining how the whole "ZOOM video" thing works. Attending by ZOOM video may be brand new to you, but it is just new, not hard, and if need be, our staff will assist you. The really good news is that since you can attend the meeting "online" using ZOOM video, unlike the old days, you no longer have get in your car and drive to your court meeting.
In the meantime, before this meeting, please do the following:
(1) Please get your mandatory AFTER-FILING Debtor Education class completed.
This is the second and last class you need to complete. Hopefully, you were already provided instructions by my office on how to complete this class using a company called DECAF. The class is easy. You just need to get it done in the next couple of weeks.
(2) Keep your eyes open for a letter from your Chapter 13 Trustee.
There is a mandatory phone interview you need to have with your Chapter 13 Trustee's office. This letter will give you instructions on what to do. This is a pre-interview before your Court Meeting.
This letter may also include a list of documents required by your Chapter 13 Trustee. If it does, please ignore this list. We have already sent these documents to te Trustee on your behalf.
(3) Please get started making your Chapter 13 plan payments.
You should also have been given a document called “Getting Started in Chapter 13”. Please pull this document and take a look at it.It tells you exactly how much, when, where, and to whom you need to send your payments.
It is crucial that you make your payments on-time.
IMPORTANT: Personal checks will NOT be accepted. You must pay by money order, cashier’s check or certified funds, until, if and when your payments start coming out by payroll deduction.
$0 Money Down case? Please remember that if your case was a $0 money down case, there are 2 set of payments that need to be made.This is all spelled out on the “Getting Started in Chapter 13” document.
Who in our office will handle your case from here on out?
Now that your case has been filed, it has been re-assigned to a member of our staff who specializes in the issues that come up AFTER filing. This person works in our “post-legal” department. And just so you know, your case is assigned based upon the first letter of your last name as follows: (As of 1/30/23)
If your “last name” starts with: Your paralegal is:
Your paralegal’s email address: ________________________________
If you have any questions from here on out, please email this staff member directly.
Lastly, I cannot thank you enough for placing your trust in us.
Take care and good luck,
John T. Orcutt
Your Attorney
7. Chapter 7 Trustee Questionnaire & Instructions To Debtor Email (Chapter 7 only)
Dear Client(s):
When your case was filed with the bankruptcy court, you case was assigned to a Chapter 7 Trustee to oversee your case on behalf of the court.
As you may know, you are required to meet with your Trustee at an upcoming court meeting (also known as a "341 Meeting"). This meeting will be held "online" using ZOOM video (See "**" below).
At this meeting, your Trustee will ask you questions about your case..
Likely, your Trustee will also ask you about these 2 documents:
Chapter 7 Trustee Questionnaire and
Chapter 7 Trustee's Instructions To Chapter 7 Debtors
You will be asked:
(1) If you received a copy of these documents,
(3) To verify that the information about you is true and correct, and
(2) Whether you have read and understand the information contained in them.
Whether you realize it or not, you have already received a copy of these 2 documents.
They were included in the documents we emailed (or mailed) to you to sign in order to get your bankruptcy case filed.
Please make sure you dig them out and take a look at them.
If these documents were sent to you by email (as opposed to by mail), please find and open the email we sent you. To help you find this email, open your email program and search for these words: "Document Completed - Final signing Documents". Then, open the email and click on the attachment. Then, scroll down until you find documents called Chapter 7 Trustee Questionnaire and Chapter 7 Trustee's Instructions To Chapter 7 Debtors.
You don't have to, but if you have a printer, you may want to print them out for future reference, along with the other documents provided.
And, always remember, if you have questions, we have answers.
All you have to do is call and ask for someone in our Post Legal department. Just call, toll free, 1-800-899-1414, and ask for "Post Legal". If no one is immediately available, make sure you leave your name, your phone number, and the reason for your call, so that someone can get back in touch with you.
Again, congratulations on getting your case filed.
To your success,
John Orcutt
Your Attorney
** NOT TO WORRY: We will be sending you another email about 7 days ahead of your court meeting with instructions on what all is involved and explaining how the whole "ZOOM video" thing works. Attending by ZOOM video may be brand new to you, but it is just new, not hard, and if need be, our staff will assist you. The really good news is that since you can attend the meeting "online" using ZOOM video, unlike the old days, you no longer have get in your car and drive to your court meeting.
8. Notice to Client (Contents of actual Notice to Client referenced varies based on Chapter and District)(1 email)
Notice to Client Email
Dear client(s):
Included in the documents we sent you to sign in order to get your bankruptcy case filed, we included a document called "NOTICE TO CLIENT".
Over the years, our clients have asked us a lot of questions.
This document is our attempt to answer those questions.
It will explain things to you.
It will answer most, if not all, of your questions.
It will let you know things you need to do.
It will let you know things you should NOT do.
Much of this information, my staff may already have told you about.
But there is no way we thought to tell you everything..
That is why we created and have provided you with this "Notice To Client".
Make sure you dig it out and take a look at it.
NOTE: As indicated above, this "Notice To Client" form can be found in the documents we emailed (or mailed) to you to sign (documents that included documents such as the Petition and Schedules we filed with the court on your behalf).
If these documents were sent to you by email (as opposed to by mail), please find and open this email. To help you find this email, in your email program, search for these words: "Document Completed - Final signing Documents". Then, open the email and click on the attachment. Then, scroll down until you find a document called "Notice To Client".
You don't have to, but if you have a printer, please print it out for future reference.
It would make sense to read this "Notice To Client" cover-to-cover, perhaps with a pen or highlighter in hand to underline, circle or highlight items of importance.
At the same time, we understand that this document is fairly long.
So, if you just don't have the time or you're not a reader, at least do this:
Take a minute to "glance it over".
Start by just looking at the section headings.
Some section headings will apply to you. Others may not.
We think you will know the difference.
If you find headings that apply to you, mark those sections and then go back and read them.
And, always remember, if you have questions, we have answers.
All you have to do is call and ask for someone in our Post Legal department. Just call, toll free, 1-800-899-1414, and ask for "Post Legal". If no one is immediately available, make sure you leave your name, your phone number, and the reason for your call, so that someone can get back in touch with you.
Again, congratulations on getting your case filed.
To your success,
John Orcutt
Your Attorney
9. 341 Meeting Email (1 email plus 1 or 2 SMS text reminders)
Over-the-phone 341:
Reminder regarding your court meeting on {{ event.date_phrase }}
Dear client(s):
Re: Bankruptcy Case Number: {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}
Your court meeting is scheduled for {{ event.date_phrase }} at 1:00 pm:
Please mark this date and time on your calendar and make arrangements to be available.
You must attend this meeting.
If you filed bankruptcy with your spouse, your spouse must also attend.
This meeting is also called a “Meeting of Creditors”. You can think of it as your "court date".
Just so you know, this meeting will be conducted by {{ event.custom.trustee }}, the Chapter 13 Trustee assigned to oversee your case. It is called a “Meeting of Creditors” because you creditors are invited to attend. But don’t worry. Normally, none of them do.
This meeting will be done “OVER-THE-PHONE”, rather than “in-person”.
What You Need To Do To Attend:
On {{ event.date_phrase }}, 5 MINUTES BEFORE 1:00 pm, please call the following number and then wait for your case to be called.
Call 1-877-810-9415 and, when prompted, use this Access Code: 9035387#.
Then, just wait on the line for your case to be called.
Note: If you have any questions or concerns, please call us BEFORE your meeting as there is not much, if any, time allotted by your Trustee for questions.
After your meeting, if you still have questions or concerns, please get back in touch with us.
Instructions For Your Meeting:
All parties to the “over-the-phone” meeting will be required to observe the
following guidelines:
1. On your phone, “mute” the call until your case is called. DO NOT place the call “on-hold”.
2. When your case is called, please respond and speak clearly.
3. Limit all background noise while you are on the phone (children/music/tv/animals/etc.).
4. DO NOT use the “speaker-phone” function on your phone. The only exception is where you and your spouse filed bankruptcy together and you only have access to 1 phone.
Note: If you and your spouse filed bankruptcy together, and you both have phones, we suggest that you use both phones to call in.
5. If you do NOT have access to a phone, please contact us to figure out what to do.
6. You need to be sitting still in one place, with adequate phone service, for your meeting. Please don’t be in your car or truck at the time of your meeting. And make sure there are no distractions. Your full attention to the questions being asked during your meeting is required.
7. Only you, us (your attorney), the Trustee and other people involved in or affected by your case, will be permitted on the call. On your end, "moral support" or answers or information provided by friends or family cannot be allowed.
8. In addition to picture ID and proof of their social security number, you are expected to have available, to look at and refer to during your meeting, your Chapter 13 Plan and all the other documents filed in your case. Please pull these out ahead of time and have them available.
9. In the meeting, just do your best to answer the questions asked and then stop. Don’t get chatty. Don’t offer information not asked about, and don’t ask questions. If you don’t understand a question, please speak up and ask the Trustee to repeat it. Save any questions you have and call us AFTER the meeting.
Take care and good luck,
John Orcutt
Your Attorney
If you have already been to one of these "court dates" AND one of our attorneys told you that you did NOT have to come back again, you can ignore both this notice and any corresponding text messages.
If this applies to you, please accept our apology for sending you this notice and any corresponding text messages. Unfortunately, our email program cannot tell if you have already been to one of these court dates. It just knows to send out this notice every time a new court dates is set.
This problem usually occurs if you are set up to pay your court filing fee in installments. When this happens, new court dates are set over-and-over until your filing fee is paid in full
In-Person 341:
Reminder regarding your court meeting on {{ event.date_phrase }}
Dear client(s):
Re: Bankruptcy Case Number: {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}
Your court meeting is scheduled for {{ event.date_phrase }} at 1:30 pm:
Please mark this date and time on your calendar and make arrangements to be available.
You must attend this meeting.
If you filed bankruptcy with your spouse, your spouse must also attend.
This meeting is also called a “Meeting of Creditors”. You can think of it as your "court date".
Just so you know, this meeting will be conducted by {{ event.custom.trustee }}, the Chapter 13 Trustee assigned to oversee your case. It is called a “Meeting of Creditors” because you creditors are invited to attend. But don’t worry. Normally, none of them do.
This meeting will be done "IN-PERSON".
On {{ event.date_phrase }}at 1:00 pm, you must be present "in-person" for your court meeting. You MUST make sure you attend.
And, remember, if you filed bankruptcy with your spouse, your spouse must also attend.
Please do NOT be late: There is no guarantee that your meeting will be conducted if you show up late. Therefore, to be on the safe side, plan on showing up at least 30 to 45 minutes early. Better 45 minutes early than 5 minutes late.
Please plan ahead: Start from home early enough to make sure you can find the building, get parked, walk to the building, check in through security and still get to the meeting on-time. Plan in extra travel time in case you get lost trying to find the building or need extra time to find a place to park.
If you need driving directions, please look them up "online" on your computer or smart phone ahead of time. Here is the address:
First Floor
101 South Edgeworth Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
(1) A picture ID and proof of your social security number.
Caution: Failure to bring this proof with you will result in your court meeting being put off to another date, and if the proof is not provided at the rescheduled date, your case may be dismissed. Only original documents will be acceptable (no photocopies). Acceptable forms of picture I.D. include: (1) Driver’s license, (2) government I.D., (3) state picture I.D., (4) student I.D., (5) valid passport, (6) military I.D., and (7) resident alien card. Acceptable forms of proof of Social Security number include: (1)Social Security card, (2) medical insurance card, (3) current pay stub, (4) W-2 form, (5) Internal Revenue Service Form 1099, and (6) Social Security Administration report. (7) military ID and (8) State issued driver’s license if it shows your Social Security number. The item produced for proof of Social Security number must include your full Social Security number. One document can be used for proof of both your identity and social security number, if it contains both a picture of you and your social security number. Tax returns will NOT be accepted as proof of Social Security number
(2) Most recent paycheck stub: If you work for someone else, please bring with you your most recent paycheck stub.
(3) Your first Chapter 13 plan payment (if you have not already paid it).
By order of the bankruptcy court, you must NOT bring with you to this meeting any of the following devices with you: Cell phones, PDA's, laptop computers or any other electronic devices. If you need to have any of these devices close at hand, please leave them in your motor vehicle or with the security guard. Also, do NOT bring in any guns or pocket knives.
When you arrive, make sure you tell the people in charge who you are, so that they will know you are present. Then take a seat. Somewhere in the room provided for your court meeting, there may be a calendar of the day's cases. You can look at this calendar to see how many cases are ahead of you, so that you can get an idea of how long you will be tied up in court. Unfortunately, some calendars are big and some are small, so it is impossible to tell you ahead of time exactly how long you will be tied up in Court.
You may well get done sooner, but, just in case, please plan ahead, especially if you have children who may need to be picked up or otherwise attended to, and most especially if you live a fair distance from the court. We will do our best to get you done with your court meeting as quickly as possible, but we do not have control over the number of cases or the pace of the proceedings. Please find the attorney from our office and let him or her know if there is some sort of emergency situation we need to attend to.
One of our attorneys will be there to represent you. Do NOT be concerned if the attorney is not there when the proceedings start. The attorney will be there by the time your case is called. In most cases, the attorney will be there well before your case is called.
When your name is called at the Court Appearance, please come forward to meet with your Trustee. (You can think of the Trustee as the bookkeeper appointed by the Court to handle your case.) The Trustee will ask you questions about your case. You must, of course, answer truthfully. Answer the question and then STOP. Please remember that regardless of how nice the Trustee is, the Trustee does NOT represent you. That is our job. Therefore, please address your questions and concerns only to the attorney who is there to represent you. Also, please do NOT offer any information to the Trustee about things that the Trustee does not ask about. If you think there is something important that needs to be mentioned to the Trustee, tell your attorney. Your attorney will advise you as to what you need to do.
If the weather is so bad that you either: (1) Cannot get to your court meeting or (2) It would be dangerous for you to even try, then there is a good chance that the court will cancel the hearings and reschedule them for later date. To find out for sure, go to the court’s website at www.ncmb.uscourts.gov. In the past, the court has posted weather-related announcements on its homepage. You can also try to call our office.
The court has asked that we remind you that these are official court proceedings. Therefore, please dress appropriately. As a guideline, please dress as if you were going, for example, out to dinner, out on a date, to mom’s house for Thanksgiving dinner, or perhaps to church. In this regard, do the best you can. There is no need to go out and buy new clothes just for Court.
Lastly, for your information, we do not expect anything unusual to occur at your court meeting. However, if after your court meeting you still have any questions or concerns, please call us. We are here to help. We thank you for allowing us to represent you.
Take care and good luck,
John Orcutt
Your Attorney
If you have already been to one of these "court dates" AND one of our attorneys told you that you did NOT have to come back again, you can ignore both this notice and any corresponding text messages.
If this applies to you, please accept our apology for sending you this notice and any corresponding text messages. Unfortunately, our email program cannot tell if you have already been to one of these court dates. It just knows to send out this notice every time a new court dates is set.
This problem usually occurs if you are set up to pay your court filing fee in installments. When this happens, new court dates are set over-and-over until your filing fee is paid in full
341 by Zoom video:
Reminder regarding your court meeting on {{ event.date_phrase }}
Dear client(s):
EVERYTHING in this email is IMPORTANT.
Re: Bankruptcy Case Number: {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}
Your court meeting is scheduled for {{ event.date_phrase }}.
Please mark this date on your calendar and make arrangements to be available.
You must attend this meeting. If you do not attend, your case could get thrown out.
If you filed bankruptcy with your spouse, your spouse must also attend.
This meeting is also called a “Meeting of Creditors”. You can think of it as your court meeting with your Trustee.
Just so you know, this meeting will be conducted by {{ event.custom.trustee }}, the Chapter 13 Trustee assigned to oversee your case. It is called a “Meeting of Creditors” because you creditors are invited to attend. But don’t worry. Normally, none of them do.
VERY IMPORTANT: This meeting will be done by "ZOOM" video, rather than “in-person”.
Time of day for your meeting:
SUPER IMPORTANT: The time of day for your meeting will likely be somewhat different than the time listed in the “Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case” you received after your case was filed.
There is a reason for this: Since your court meeting is being done over "ZOOM" video (as opposed to “in-person”), your Trustee has to time out each appearance to avoid having all our clients on video at the same time.
In the days ahead and before {{ event.date_phrase }}, your Trustee will notify us of the exact time set for your hearing. AS SOON AS WE KNOW THE EXACT TIME, WE WILL CALL YOU. So, please, keep your phone close between now and {{ event.date_phrase }}.
CAUTION: If you do not hear from us the day before {{ event.date_phrase }}, please: (1) Check to see if we have sent you an email with the exact time, and (2) If there is no email from us, call us at 1-919-847-9750 and ask for the person in our "post-legal" department assigned to handle your case.
As soon as you get the exact time, please update your calendar and make arrangements so that you have at least 2 hours available for your court meeting. Your meeting should not take more than 30 minutes, but set aside at least 2 hours just in case.
Then, on {{ event.date_phrase }}, about 15 to 30 MINUTES BEFORE the assigned time, on the internet, please go to your Chapter 13 Trustee's website at: ____________________________
Then, look for instructions on how to join the ZOOM video meeting. This should be extremely easy. You should find a link to click on.
About 5 to 15 minutes before the assigned time, click on the link to join the meeting. When you do so, you may need to type in your name(s). Hopefully, you will not have to type in a Meeting ID or Passcode.
Please make sure you type in your full name(s) (first and last name).
After you have joined the meeting, you will likely end up in what they call a "WAITING ROOM", where you can sit and wait until your Trustee admits you into the actual video meeting. It's like the "waiting room" at a doctor's office.
If you get disconnected for any reason, go back and click on the link again.
If you have any questions or concerns about your case, please call us BEFORE your meeting as there is not much, if any, time allotted by your Trustee for questions.
After your meeting, if you still have questions or concerns, please get back in touch with us.
Getting Ready for your "ZOOM" video meeting:
Necessary equipment: To participate in a ZOOM video conference, you must have access to the internet on a smartphone, a tablet, an ipad, or a computer. The device must have a working camera and microphone. Most of these devices come with a camera and microphone. However, if you want to use a laptop or desktop computer, you must make sure it has a working camera and microphone. Please test it out ahead of time. You must know how to use the device and how to turn on the camera and microphone. If you don’t, please get someone to help you.
NOTE: It does not have to be a device that you own. If need be, for example, you can borrow somebody else’s smartphone, ipad, computer, etc.
If you filed bankruptcy with your spouse, you can both appear using the same device. It may be easier for each of you to join the ZOOM meeting if each of you have your own device, but it is not required. For example, if need be, you can both appear using just one smartphone.
The ZOOM App: The operating system used by most devices will enable you to access Zoom over the internet without having to download the ZOOM app. However, if, for some reason, you do need to download the ZOOM app, please do so well ahead of your court meeting. The ZOOM app is free and can be downloaded from the Apple "App Store".
We strongly suggest doing a “trial run” ahead of time to get comfortable: At least a day ahead of your ZOOM video court meeting, on the internet, go to this webpage: www.RalCh13.com.
Read the instructions on this page and get used to this page and what it contains.
Then, find the date for your meeting. There, you will find a "link" to click on.
Feel free to click on this link to see how it works and what you need to do. Just so you know, you can’t do any harm since the meeting has not started.
NOTE: If asked, test to make sure your camera and microphone are working.
If you goof up something, go back and try it again.
Instructions For Your Meeting:
All parties to the “ZOOM" video meeting will be required to observe the
following guidelines:
1. As mentioned, when you click on the link to join the video meeting, likely you will be placed in a digital "waiting room" until you are admitted to the actual meeting.
2. After you are admitted, please make sure you respond and speak clearly.
3. Limit all background noise while you are in the ZOOM meeting (children/music/tv/animals/etc.).
4. You need to be sitting still in one place. Please don’t be in your car or truck at the time of your meeting. And make sure there are no distractions. Your full attention to the questions being asked during your meeting is required.
5. Only you, us (your attorney), the Trustee and other people involved in or affected by your case, will be permitted in the video meeting. On your end, "moral support" or answers or information provided by friends or family cannot be allowed.
6. In addition to picture ID and proof of their social security number, you are expected to have available, to look at and refer to during your meeting, your Chapter 13 Plan and all the other documents filed in your case. Please pull these out ahead of time and have them available.
7. In the meeting, just do your best to answer the questions asked and then stop. Don’t get chatty. Don’t offer information not asked about, and don’t ask questions. If you don’t understand a question, please speak up and ask the Trustee to repeat it. Save any questions you have and call us AFTER the meeting.
Take care and good luck,
John T. Orcutt
Your Attorney
10. Post 341 reminder to get Debtor Education Class done (2nd class of the 2 required)
Post 341 Reminder to get Debtor Education Class done (Chapter 7)
Dear Client(s):
It's time to get your 2nd class done:
What is required: The law requires that you complete 2 classes, one, the “before filing” Credit Counseling Class, and the other, an “after filing” Debtor Education Class. As you know, you have already completed the “before filing” class. Now, it is time to get your “after filing” Debtor Education Class done.
Deadline: You must get this Debtor Education Class done "right away", hopefully within the next couple of days. Please get this class done right away: You may already have completed this “after filing” class. If so, you can ignore this email. If NOT, you must now get it done.
CRUCIAL YOU UNDERSTAND: You are not relieved of any debts until the bankruptcy court enters your final "discharge". However, under the law, the bankruptcy court is NOT allowed to enter or provide you your final bankruptcy "discharge" if you have not completed this class. Getting it done now will save you hundreds of dollars and a lot of delay later on.
Don’t worry. The class is easy: Just like the “Credit Counseling” class, this class is NOT a test. Just do your best. You cannot fail and you don’t need to prepare. You do have to sit and read (or listen, the choice is yours) to the material presented. Along the way, you will be asked to answer some questions about your goals, what caused you to have problems, finances, etc.
Cost of the class: There is nothing more you have to pay to get started with the class.
When is the class available: This class is available 24/7, that is, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you are married and both you and your spouse are filing bankruptcy: We suggest that you arrange for both of you to do the "debtor education" class at the same time. Otherwise, your spouse would have to complete and pay for a second and separate "debtor education" class.
This class requires at least 2 hours of your time: Please plan your time accordingly.
Your certificate of completion: Just so you know, when you are done, a copy of your "Debtor Education" class certificate of completion will automatically be filed with the court.
What you need to get started:
Your name,
Your social security number, and
Your bankruptcy case number is: {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}
Ready to get started? There are 2 ways to complete your class: (1) Online or (2) Over-The-Phone. Which way you choose is totally up to you.
The "Online" way (recommended):
3 questions:
Do you have access to a computer (or even an ipad or similar larger-screen device) with access to the internet?
Are you pretty good with computers and using the internet or have someone to help you who is?
Can you type or do you have someone who can type for you?
If you can answer "YES" to all 3 questions: The easiest way to get your "Debtor Education" class done is to use the "online” program provided by a company called DECAF (the same company referred to above).
Note: If you answer "NO" to any of these questions, please scroll down to section "(2)" for instructions on how to complete this class "over-the-phone".
Can you type? The "online" debtor education class requires that you type information into the "online" program. Therefore, if you can't type, we suggest you get help from someone who can.
Listen or read? With DECAF, you have the choice to read OR listen, OR read and listen, to the material presented. If you have speakers and want to listen, make sure you turn your speakers on.
Username & Password: When you start the class, to identify you from the prior class you took, you will be asked to provide the username and password you created when you did the prior class. Hopefully, you wrote it down or can remember it. If not, please ask our staff what to do.
Ready to get started with your "Debtor Education" class? Do you have your bankruptcy case number? If so, go to www.billsbills.com/online, scroll down and click on the icon called “Class 2".
The "Over-The-Phone" way:
If need be: You can complete your "Debtor Education" class requirement "over-the-phone". (This class is also offered by DECAF.)
If you are married and both you and your spouse are filing bankruptcy: We suggest that you arrange for both of you to do the credit counseling at the same time. Otherwise, your spouse would have to complete a second and separate "over-the-phone" Debtor Edicaton” class.
How to get started:
(1) Just call toll free to 1-866-859-7323.
(2) Give the person who answers our attorney code, which is BTX92260.
(3) Tell the person you want to take "Class 2...the AFTER FILING class"
(4) Then, please follow whatever instructions you are given.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 1-919-847-9750 and ask for someone in our PostLegal Department.
Good luck and sincerely,
Law Offices of John T. Orcutt, P.C.
Post 341 Reminder to get Debtor Education Class done (Chapter 13)
Dear Client(s):
It's time to get your 2nd class done:
What is required: The law requires that you complete 2 classes, one, the “before filing” Credit Counseling Class, and the other, an “after filing” Debtor Education Class. As you know, you have already completed the “before filing” class. Now, it is time to get your “after filing” Debtor Education Class done.
Deadline: You must get this Debtor Education Class done "right away", hopefully within the next couple of days. Please get this class done right away: You may already have completed this “after filing” class. If so, you can ignore this email. If NOT, you must now get it done.
Don’t worry. The class is easy: Just like the “Credit Counseling” class, this class is NOT a test. Just do your best. You cannot fail and you don’t need to prepare. You do have to sit and read (or listen, the choice is yours) to the material presented. Along the way, you will be asked to answer some questions about your goals, what caused you to have problems, finances, etc.
Cost of the class: There is nothing more you have to pay to get started with the class.
When is the class available: This class is available 24/7, that is, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you are married and both you and your spouse are filing bankruptcy: We suggest that you arrange for both of you to do the "debtor education" class at the same time. Otherwise, your spouse would have to complete and pay for a second and separate "debtor education" class.
This class requires at least 2 hours of your time: Please plan your time accordingly.
Your certificate of completion: Just so you know, when you are done, a copy of your "Debtor Education" class certificate of completion will automatically be filed with the court.
What you need to get started:
Your name,
Your social security number, and
Your bankruptcy case number is: {{ event.custom.case_number | replace: 'MD', '' }}
Ready to get started? There are 2 ways to complete your class: (1) Online or (2) Over-The-Phone. Which way you choose is totally up to you.
The "Online" way (recommended):
3 questions:
Do you have access to a computer (or even an ipad or similar larger-screen device) with access to the internet?
Are you pretty good with computers and using the internet or have someone to help you who is?
Can you type or do you have someone who can type for you?
If you can answer "YES" to all 3 questions: The easiest way to get your "Debtor Education" class done is to use the "online” program provided by a company called DECAF (the same company referred to above).
Note: If you answer "NO" to any of these questions, please scroll down to section "(2)" for instructions on how to complete this class "over-the-phone".
Can you type? The "online" debtor education class requires that you type information into the "online" program. Therefore, if you can't type, we suggest you get help from someone who can.
Listen or read? With DECAF, you have the choice to read OR listen, OR read and listen, to the material presented. If you have speakers and want to listen, make sure you turn your speakers on.
Username & Password: When you start the class, to identify you from the prior class you took, you will be asked to provide the username and password you created when you did the prior class. Hopefully, you wrote it down or can remember it. If not, please ask our staff what to do.
Ready to get started with your "Debtor Education" class? Do you have your bankruptcy case number? If so, go to www.billsbills.com/online, scroll down and click on the icon called “Class 2".
The "Over-The-Phone" way:
If need be: You can complete your "Debtor Education" class requirement "over-the-phone". (This class is also offered by DECAF.)
If you are married and both you and your spouse are filing bankruptcy: We suggest that you arrange for both of you to do the credit counseling at the same time. Otherwise, your spouse would have to complete a second and separate "over-the-phone" Debtor Edicaton” class.
How to get started:
(1) Just call toll free to 1-866-859-7323.
(2) Give the person who answers our attorney code, which is BTX92260.
(3) Tell the person you want to take "Class 2...the AFTER FILING class"
(4) Then, please follow whatever instructions you are given.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 1-919-847-9750 and ask for someone in our PostLegal Department.
Good luck and sincerely,
Law Offices of John T. Orcutt, P.C.
Debts Hurt! Got debt? Need help? Get started below!
Serving All of North Carolina
Bankruptcy Attorneys Raleigh NC (North)
6616 Six Forks Rd #203 Raleigh, NC 27615 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 847-9750
Bankruptcy Attorney Fayetteville NC
2711 Breezewood Ave Fayetteville, NC 28303 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 323-2972
Bankruptcy Attorney Durham NC
1738 Hillandale Rd Suite D Durham, NC 27705 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 286-1695
Bankruptcy Attorneys Greensboro NC
2100 W Cornwallis Dr. STE O Greensboro, NC 27408 North Carolina
Tel: (336) 542-5993
Bankruptcy Attorneys Southport NC
116 N Howe St. Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 218-8682
Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilmington NC
116 N. Howe Street, Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 447-2987