Debts Hurt! Got debt? Need help? Get started below!
The Debt-Buster Client Testimonials.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following testimonials are the real words of past clients, however they are merely illustrative of matters handled by our law firm and should not be read to promise or guarantee any particular result in your case. Not all case results are provided and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. The results to be achieved in your case will depend upon a whole host of factors unique to your case, including such factors as your goals, assets, debts, income and expenses. Also...please click on and read "Our Big Disclaimer", which is located to the left. We do promise to treat you with the care, respect and concern that you, and all people, deserve |
Hundreds of Debt-Buster successes...and counting. Hear what real, live Debt-Buster clients have to say about their Debt-Buster plans and filing bankruptcy... right here...right now.
Note: Click below on the questions of interest to you.
● | Now that you are done with your Debt Buster plan, can you tell me how it worked out for you? |
● | Did the Debt Buster plan work the way you were told? |
● | Are you better off now that you were before you came to our office? |
● | How has your life changed since you filed bankruptcy? |
● | What about your day-to-day life, now that you are done with your Debt Buster case? |
● | Would you recommend the Debt Buster program to someone else? |
● | Can you tell me what you liked about the Debt Buster program? |
● | If you were talking to a friend about the Debt Buster plan, what would you tell them? |
● | Now that you know how bankruptcy works, do you wish you had come to see us sooner? |
● | Now that you are finished, are you getting any offers in the mail or on the phone for new credit? |
"It worked well." Edward H.
"Great. I've done well." Adele E.
"It worked great for me." Mark B.
"It worked fine." Adam & Kristina V.
"Wonderfully. It got us out of a lot of stress." Phillip & Jane K.
"It's a great thing. I don't owe anymore." Tyler & Sue C.
"Worked out fine. Got the worry off of me. I had gone through debt consolidation and this was much better and faster." Ellen E.
"It worked really well. I am where I need to be." Chris R.
"It worked out excellently. Thing have worked out. I don't have bills. Thank you." Tareq S.
"It was a godsend. It was a relief. Now, I don't owe anything." Ben W.
"I don't know what would have happened to me if I had not filed. I liked the monthly payments, I wasn't totally broke and I was able to save for emergencies. If I have to file again, I will use you all." Frances M.
"It worked out fine. Everything worked out." John I.
"It worked out great for us. Where I worked closed down and I would not have made it, and we would have lost everything." Franklin A.
"Wonderful. I couldn't be any more pleased, and it wasn't a headache like I had been told." Chris & Kelly H.
"It worked out really well. The $99 payment worked great." James W.
"It worked out fine. I was tickled to death. I will never forget what John Orcutt did for me. I will tell everyone." Jeannette H.
"It worked out pretty good. It was over really quick." Worth & Karen N.
"It worked out fine. It helped us get out of a bad situation." Janet H.
"It was great. It kept the collectors from taking stuff." Robert L.
"Great. It was really great." Wanda B.
"It worked out great. It relieved a lot from my mind. I had cancer at the time." ~Lawrence M.
"Yes." Phillip & Jane K.
"Yes, it got rid of a lot of grief." John I.
"Yes. It was even easier than we were told." Tyler & Sue C.
"Yes, it worked out even better than I was told. It was over before it was supposed to be." Ellen E.
"Even better. We got out earlier than expected." Adam & Kristina V.
"I was told it would be for 5 years, but it was over in 2 years." Adele E.
"Yes, perfectly." Mark B.
"Yes. It took a big burden off of me. I paid my payment to the Trustee and didn't have to worry about my bills." Chris R.
"Yes. I was told the plan would get rid of debt, and it did." Tareq S.
"Yes, I had no problems." Ben W.
"Yes. As a matter of fact, better, because it was less months to finish up than I was told." Frances M.
"It was exactly as told. It was better than expected." Edward H.
"Absolutely." Chris & Kelly H.
"Yes, it was $199 for 11 months and we were done." Janet H.
"Yes. I made monthly payments for 14 months." Michael B.
"Yes. It worked out better. I didn't have to pay for the whole 50 months." Robert L.
"Yes. It helped us all around. It did exactly what you told us it would do." Wanda B.
"Yes, just like I was told. I had $99 a month to pay until it was paid off." Franklin A.
"Yes, definitely." Phillip & Jane K.
"Yes. I don't owe anybody anything." Tyler & Sue C.
"Yes. It was so easy. The weight is off." Toni M.
"A whole lot better. No bills on me. No more worry or stress." Ellen E.
"Yes, absolutely. 100% better. Adam & Kristina V.
"Yes. I don't have to use my whole paycheck to pay credit cards anymore." Adele E.
"Yes. Now I am financially stable. I can see a future. I kept my car and house." Mark B.
"Yes, a lot better. Everything. No stress. I am a lot happier with life." Tareq S.
"Yes. I am debt free. . I could cry everyday because I am so pleased." Ben W.
"Yes, quite a bit. My financials are better. I'm not going month to month trying to rob Peter to pay Paul anymore." John I.
"Yes, a lot better off. we would have lost everything if we had not filed." Franklin A.
"Oh, hell, yeah, financially anyway." Edward H.
"Yes, ma'am." Chris & Kelly H.
"Yes, my military clearance was granted after I got my bankruptcy discharge." James W.
"Yes, a lot better off." Jeannette H.
"Yes, more financially able to pay our bills." Worth & Karen N.
"Yes. Yes." Janet H.
"Yes. I don't have to worry about making payments." Michael B.
"Yes. Way better off. Before at the end of the month, we had to use our credit cards. Now, we have money, we buy what we want when we want." Wanda B.
"Yes. I am much better off. I don't have a lot of debt. We have one credit card for emergencies. We pay bills now as soon as they come in the door." Lawrence M.
"Yes, definitely." Phillip & Jane K.
"Yes. I don't owe anybody anything." Tyler & Sue C.
"Yes. It was so easy. The weight is off." Toni M.
"A whole lot better. No bills on me. No more worry or stress." Ellen E.
"Yes, absolutely. 100% better. Adam & Kristina V.
"Yes. I don't have to use my whole paycheck to pay credit cards anymore." Adele E.
"Yes. Now I am financially stable. I can see a future. I kept my car and house." Mark B.
"Yes, a lot better. Everything. No stress. I am a lot happier with life." Tareq S.
"Yes. I am debt free. . I could cry everyday because I am so pleased." Ben W.
"Yes, quite a bit. My financials are better. I'm not going month to month trying to rob Peter to pay Paul anymore." John I.
"Yes, a lot better off. we would have lost everything if we had not filed." Franklin A.
"Oh, hell, yeah, financially anyway." Edward H.
"Yes, ma'am." Chris & Kelly H.
"Yes, my military clearance was granted after I got my bankruptcy discharge." James W.
"Yes, a lot better off." Jeannette H.
"Yes, more financially able to pay our bills." Worth & Karen N.
"Yes. Yes." Janet H.
"Yes. I don't have to worry about making payments." Michael B.
"Yes. Way better off. Before at the end of the month, we had to use our credit cards. Now, we have money, we buy what we want when we want." Wanda B.
"Yes. I am much better off. I don't have a lot of debt. We have one credit card for emergencies. We pay bills now as soon as they come in the door." Lawrence M.
"No worries." Tyler & Sue C.
"Much better." Phillip & Jane K.
"I have more money." Adele E.
"Less stress basically." Chris R.
"No more worry or stress." Ellen E.
"I am saving money now." Edward H.
"Less stressful and eliminated debt." Mark B.
"No one is calling to collect money." Franklin A.
"We don't have to worry about who is hunting us down." Adam & Kristina V.
"I would have been dead if it hadn't been for you all." Jeannette H.
"No stress and no calls." Wanda B.
"We get a lot more credit card offers and we don't fight as much anymore." Chris & Kelly H.
"We worry about the consequences of credit cards, where before we didn't." Lawrence M.
"It got rid of my debts. Not over my head now. I can breath easier." Toni M.
"A lot less stress, a little bit less work. No need for a part-time job now." Tareq S.
"Yes." Tareq S.
"Yes." Phillip & Jane K.
"Yes, I have already." Tyler and Sue C.
"Yes, I have." Ellen E.
"Yes." Adam and Kristina V.
"Oh, yes. I liked that it took care of what it needed to." Chris R.
Yes, most definitely." Toni M.
"Yes. I have told everybody, including my parents." Ben W.
"Yes." John I.
"Yes." Franklin A.
"Yes." Edward H.
"Yes, I have." Chris and Kelly H.
"Yes, in fact, I did." James W.
"Yes, in fact we have." Janet H.
"Yes, if you were in need." Michael B.
"Oh, God yes. Why stress over it? File and move on." Melissa L.
"Yes, I have to tell them how good it is." Wanda B.
"It was fast." Ellen E.
"Quick and easy." Michael B.
"Easy payments." Phillip & Jane K.
"I was able to sleep again." Janet H.
"Everything you said came true." Tareq S.
"My payments were excellent. The instructions were wonderful. My payments didn't change. I liked that." Tyler & Sue C.
"The overall fact that it was protection immediately with an affordable payment and we could start fresh." Adam & Kristina V.
"I liked the fact that my creditors stopped calling me." James W.
"It's a life saver. Please continue your debt buster program. It's a great program and much needed." Mark B.
"It eliminated our credit card debt. We were at the point where we were only paying interest." Franklin A.
"The fact is it got us out of debt and helped us so much." Wanda B.
"It was regimented and set up in a comfortable manner. I could meet the payment." Edward H.
"Your people are helpful and supportive. You all stepped up to the plate." Toni M.
"The small amount of money up-front needed to get started." Chris & Kelly H
"Do it!" Adam & Kristina V.
"It was fast." Tyler & Sue C.
"Just go to see John Orcutt. He helped me." Janet H.
"It's not as hard as the creditors would like to make you think." Adele E.
"Read the website. It is all there." Mark B.
"If you need it, do it. You have to do what you have to do and not to be embarrassed." Phillip & Jane K.
"I tell them to file and not be scared. None of this could have happened if I had not filed bankruptcy. I wouldn't be able to go back to school. We would be struggling if it were not for bankruptcy. It's amazing. It's easy...for real. I couldn't think of anything easier. If you make the drive there, there you will be taken care of. Read the website. The website makes you feel good about filing bankruptcy. It makes you fee safe." Ben W.
"That if they need financial relief, this is the way to go. You are all wonderful and all was explained." Chris R.
"I would direct them straight to you all. You all are a comfort to anyone who would be in this situation." Toni M.
"If it's your only choice, go for it." Robert L.
"If you want a happier and less stressful life, do it." Tareq S.
"If they are having problems and I know about it, I would tell them to "Go see John". You try to do right and nothing seems to work out. Get rid of the stress. Do it." John I.
"It is convenient and once completed, it's not difficult." Chris & Kelly H.
"It's quick and easy and it took care of my debts and it's simple." Michael B.
"Probably changed my life for the better. I realized what I was doing wrong." Melissa L.
"It's great. It takes the worry off you. You just have to do it." Franklin A.
"Yes." Phillip & Jane K.
"Yes, but I was scared off by the word 'bankruptcy'." Ellen E.
"Yes. I really do. If I have my wits about me and understood bankruptcy, knowing now what I have learned, I would have done it sooner." Toni M.
"Yes. If I had known more about bankruptcy, I would have come in a lot sooner." Tareq S.
"Yes, initially I was scared, but I kept reading the testimonials on the website." Ben W.
"Yes. I could have saved myself thousands of dollars. You just get to the point where you look for help. Those other relief programs don't work. The bankruptcy worked quick. Stops the phone calls and harassment too." John I.
"Yes, because people (creditors) took advantage of me. I could have been further along in my re-establishing my good credit." James W.
"If we had come in earlier, we would have had less stress." Worth & Karen N.
"Yes. I constantly think about it. I wasted money on other programs." Mark B.
"Yes, constantly." Phillip & Jane K.
"Yes, offers for cars and credit cards." Tyler & Sue C.
"Some, mostly credit cards. My credit score is much better." Ellen E.
"Yes. I have 3 credit cards and I was able to buy a new car." Adele E.
"Credit cards, car buying, all kinds." Chris R.
"Yes, car dealers and stuff. I just throw them away." Ben W.
"Yes, mostly car dealerships, but I ignore them." John I.
"Yes. Offers for credit cards and new cars. We shred it." Franklin A.
"Yes, credit cards mostly." Edward H.
"Oh yes! Mostly visa and master cards." Janet H.
"Yes, mostly cars." Michael B.
"Yes, credit cards. I have a few I did take advantage of." Robert L.
"Yes. I throw away piles of offers." Melissa L.
"Yes, but I don't open them. I get lots of them and I throw them away. The temptation will not get me again." Wanda B.
"Yes. We bought a house and each of us bought a car." Adam & Kristina V.
"I don't want them, but 'yes'. Credit cards and car loans mostly." Tareq S.
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* You must be a resident of North Carolina. We have offices in Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville, Wilson, Greensboro or Wilmington.
Debts Hurt! Got debt? Need help? Get started below!
Serving All of North Carolina
Bankruptcy Attorneys Raleigh NC (North)
6616 Six Forks Rd #203 Raleigh, NC 27615 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 847-9750 [1]
Bankruptcy Attorney Fayetteville NC
2711 Breezewood Ave Fayetteville, NC 28303 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 323-2972 [2]
Bankruptcy Attorney Durham NC
1738 Hillandale Rd Suite D Durham, NC 27705 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 286-1695 [3]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilson NC
2215 Nash St N Wilson, NC 27896 North Carolina
Tel: (252) 234-9194 [4]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Greensboro NC
2100 W Cornwallis Dr. STE O Greensboro, NC 27408 North Carolina
Tel: (336) 542-5993 [5]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Southport NC
116 N Howe St. Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 218-8682 [6]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilmington NC
116 N. Howe Street, Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 447-2987 [7]