Debts Hurt! Got debt? Need help? Get started below!
We have helped over
72,343 families.
Chances are...we can help you too.
If you have too many bills to pay
... you have too many bills to pay.
It is what it is!
The only question is:
"What are you going to do about it?"
You could get another loan.
You could refinance.
You could enroll in a debt management plan.
You could get some help reworking your budget.
You could just not pay...but...there's no "future" in that.
Or...maybe all you need is a "shot" of bankruptcy.
You've seen the movies..."Who's got the antidote?".
The truth is that many times...the only "antidote" to dying of debts is "bankruptcy". It may taste bad...but if it saves your may want to drink it anyway.
Whatever you need...whatever the solution is...we can help you figure it out.
So..use us. That's why we are here. Think of us as coming to the "debt doctor" with a "zero co-pay". Why? Because the initial consultation...the initial "diagnosis" to always FREE.
I know you don't want to come see a bankruptcy attorney...but do it anyway.
Why? Because...likely...everything you ever heard about bankruptcy is NOT TRUE.
And...make us prove it.
In you will find...of all your options...filing bankruptcy is the easiest, fastest and most effective.
Unlike all other choices, bankruptcy actually "gets rid of" debt...without your having to pay it...EVER.*
That's heard me correctly...gets rid of debt...and does it...for good...finally...and forever.
Because...using the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy can actually "rip up" contracts.
When you understand understand how bankruptcy really works.
That's up contracts...rips them up into teeny, tiny pieces.
And...when you rip up contracts...they are as if those contracts never existed.
Nothing else works like this. Nothing the world...has this power. And...anyone who tells you different is NOT telling you the truth.
It works so well...we call it "Bankruptcy Magic".
Now you owe....POOF!!!. don't.
Seems like "magic" to me. How about you?
Let's move on...
Think you can't afford to file bankrupcy?
I can't pay your bills now...right? in the world can you afford to file bankruptcy...right?
Then...keep'll like this.
Bankruptcy will cost you "less"...not "more"!
The truth is...bankruptcy is the cheapest way to get out of debt...and the cheapest by a long shot.
" say? What's that about?"
How about FREE?
Is that cheap enough?
It works like this. When you "rip up" contracts...that FREES up cash...many times...lots of it.
Whose cash is that?
The answer is that it's the creditors cash...that cash that every month you were legally obligated to send to the creditors.
When you FREE up cash, you can use that money to pay for your bankruptcy.
So...when we say that "the secret is to get your creditors to pay for it"...we mean it.
All that cash you have been sending in on credit cards, medical bills and certain other debts...when you "rip up" the contracts using the powerful bankruptcy laws....will come " blowing back" to you.
We call it "blow back cash".
The creditor's money...the money you "were" obligated to send to your creditors...the creditor's money...can come "blowing back" to you.
By ripping up change that cash from being the creditor's cash...back to being "your cash".
How cool it that! Don't think you have any powerful rights? Think you just have to sit there and take it? Well...think again.
If you have to have something blow back at you...let it be cash.
Transforming cash coming back at you. Not only will you get rid of debt...but all of a will start looking like a "superhero" to your family...a superhero that took the "antidote" and took on super powers...the "super powers" of the bankruptcy laws.
Is it time to be a "super hero" with "super powers"?
Is it time to make yours...a better world?
No matter what you need...we can help.
Whether that's the "super powers" of bankruptcy or something else...together we work together to figure it the very you all your options and answer all your questions.
And you can find out all this information FOR FREE. Why?
Because our law firm offers you a Totally FREE ANALYSIS...of your entire financial situation ....with an experienced professional. We always have. We always will.
All you have to do is call, come in, sit down and listen.
Is it time to "take the exit" off the "debt highway"?
We have helped over
72,343 families,
....and chances are ....we can help you too.
Set up your FREE ANALYSIS today. You can do it right here...right now...using our "online" Appointment Scheduler.
(In 5 easy steps, you will have an appointment.))*
Debts Hurt! Got debt? Need help? Get started below!
Serving All of North Carolina
Bankruptcy Attorneys Raleigh NC (North)
6616 Six Forks Rd #203 Raleigh, NC 27615 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 847-9750 [1]
Bankruptcy Attorney Fayetteville NC
2711 Breezewood Ave Fayetteville, NC 28303 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 323-2972 [2]
Bankruptcy Attorney Durham NC
1738 Hillandale Rd Suite D Durham, NC 27705 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 286-1695 [3]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilson NC
2215 Nash St N Wilson, NC 27896 North Carolina
Tel: (252) 234-9194 [4]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Greensboro NC
2100 W Cornwallis Dr. STE O Greensboro, NC 27408 North Carolina
Tel: (336) 542-5993 [5]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Southport NC
116 N Howe St. Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 218-8682 [6]
Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilmington NC
116 N. Howe Street, Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 447-2987 [7]