Greetings. John Orcutt here. I will be sending to you a series of emails. These emails are designed to both: (1) To help you deal with your debts on your own, and (2) Given the possibility that you may need to, once again, in the months ahead, look into filing bankruptcy, to deepen your understanding of bankruptcy, how it works, what it means, and how it can help you and your family.
This series of emails are interspersed with SMS text messages to merely remind former clients to check their email folders. These text messages all basically read like this:
ORCUTT LAW: Just a small reminder to check your email for a series of short emails from "ORCUTT LAW".
Remember to check your SPAM, TRASH and ALL mail folders. To your success. John Orcutt.
Here is a list of the topics that will be covered in these emails.
Want to get a jump on this information? You can.
Just click on the email topic of choice to read the full message ahead of time.
1. ORCUTT LAW: Sorry to see you go.
2. ORCUTT LAW: To help you deal with debt on your own.
3. ORCUTT LAW: 7 Alternatives to Filing Bankruptcy.
4. ORCUTT LAW: 6 things you will want to avoid.
5. ORCUTT LAW: What if you acted on misinformation?
6. ORCUTT LAW: You were so close to being “debt free”.
7. ORCUTT LAW: Did we do or say something wrong?
8. ORCUTT LAW: Fake news about bankruptcy.
9. ORCUTT LAW: Never go against your "gut".
10. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe one of your creditors turned you off to bankruptcy.
11. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you couldn’t come up with the money to file.
12. ORCUTT LAW: The story I promised to tell.
13. ORCUTT LAW: All of my clients get to file bankruptcy for FREE.
14. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe the paperwork was too hard.
15. ORCUTT LAW: Do you still have more debts than you can pay?
16. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe, the pressure from the bill collectors fell off and filing bankruptcy seemed less urgent.
17. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you lost a job or some income?
18. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe we didn't address some issue that was important to you.
19. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you thought filing bankruptcy would hurt your credit score.
20. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you just got distracted by other things going on your life.
21. ORCUTT LAW: Filing bankruptcy is a right you received because of our United States Constitution?
22. ORCUTT LAW: Maybe your situation has changed in other ways since you decided to file bankruptcy.
23. ORCUTT LAW: About information I have sent you.
24. ORCUTT LAW: Still have more debts that you can pay?
25. ORCUTT LAW: 7 more things you may want to avoid.
26. ORCUTT LAW: Here is HARD and there is EASY.
27. ORCUTT LAW: Here’s a thought: Think Bankruptcy FIRST, not LAST.
28. ORCUTT LAW: Debts don’t just go away on their own.
29. ORCUTT LAW: Is it time to put your kids first?
30. ORCUTT LAW: Is it time to finally get you the kind of help that only filing bankruptcy can provide?
31. ORCUTT LAW: Bankruptcy: The immediate solution to higher grocery costs.
32. ORCUTT LAW: Something I always tell my staff.
33. ORCUTT LAW: Did you ever get a chance to read any of our Google reviews?
34. ORCUTT LAW: Want to get back to a credit score of 720, or even higher?
35. ORCUTT LAW: Misunderstood: Nothing more so than bankruptcy.
36. ORCUTT LAW: Did we make it clear that bankruptcy actually gets rid of debt?
37. ORCUTT LAW: Bankruptcy is the ONLY thing that actually gets rid of debt?
38. ORCUTT LAW: Most of our bankruptcy clients don't lose anything, except their debts.
39. ORCUTT LAW: Is your life on hold until you get out of debt?
40. ORCUTT LAW: Deep in debt and feeling ashamed?
41. ORCUTT LAW: The first step to the fulfillment of your dreams.
42. ORCUTT LAW: Bankruptcy: IMMEDIATE solution for higher grocery prices?
ORCUTT LAW: Sorry to see you go.
Sorry to see you go without a chance to:
(1) Get you out of debt, and
(2) Get your creditors off your back.
Just so you know, if, and when, you, once again, want to take up where you left off with us, we are always still here to help.
Lingering questions or concerns?
Just know that your FREE consultation NEVER ENDS until you get all the answers and information you need.
I wish you the best in dealing with your creditors by some means other than bankruptcy.
Thank you for giving us a chance to at least try to help.
Lastly, just so you know, unless and until you file bankruptcy, you have no protection from your creditors. Unless and until you file bankruptcy, your creditors have the legal right to come at you with phone calls, letters, lawsuits, repossession and foreclosure, and, in some cases, even wage garnishment.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: To help you deal with debt on your own.
Because you came to us for help, and as a continuing service to you, I will continue to send you information in a series of short emails designed to:
(1) To help you navigate the debt waters on your own and
(2) To give you a deeper understanding of bankruptcy, so that if you, once again, feel the need to look into filing, you will know more about what it is, how it works, and what it can do for you and your family. The results can be amazing.
Please keep your eyes open for emails from “ORCUTT LAW”.
If you don’t see any, please check you ALL, SPAM and TRASH folders.
Want to take a sneak peek at the list of topics I will cover?
You can. Just click here: (This is the webpage)
Hopefully, you will find all the information helpful.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: 7 Alternatives To Filing Bankruptcy.
I respect your decision to not pursue filing bankruptcy at this time.
As I mentioned in a previous email, with this in mind, I promised to provide you with information ways to deal with debt on your own, without the help of bankruptcy.
To this end, I wrote a blog article called the “7 Alternatives To Filing Bankruptcy”.
Here is a list of the 7 alternatives:
(1) Get a consolidation loan.
(2) Keep “borrowing from Peter to pay Paul”.
(3) Creating and living on a budget.
(4) Hire a “debt settlement” company.
(5) Enter a credit-card-industry sponsored “debt management” program.
(6) Modify or refinance your mortgage.
(7) Do nothing.
In this blog article, I have listed both the “pros” and “cons” of each alternative.
To see this blog article: just click here: 7 Alternatives To Filing Bankruptcy.
I hope you find this information helpful.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: 6 Things you will want to avoid.
Having chosen to not file bankruptcy, here is a list of just some of the things you will want to avoid:
(1) Paying creditors first, at the expense of your family.
(2) Getting so far behind on your vehicle that you lose it to repossession.
(3) Losing your job because you lost your ability to get to work.
(4) Getting so far behind that you lose your home to foreclosure or eviction.
(5) Getting so far behind the eight ball that you have no place to live.
(6) Getting so depressed that you lose all hope and shut down.
In addition, here is a list of are “23 Warning Signs” to keep in mind.
Just click here: 23 Warning Signs.
Please, please, always remember that we are still here to help.
Just don’t wait so long that not even filing bankruptcy can help.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: What if you acted on misinformation?
It happens to the best of us.
As I have indicated previously, I respect your decision to not pursue a bankruptcy filing at this time.
That said, I do worry that you may have made your decision based upon misinformation.
For example, there are at least 16 myths about bankruptcy that almost everyone believes, NONE of which are TRUE.
By definition, since myths are NOT TRUE, they are misinformation.
Think about it. If you made your decision based upon one of these myths, you have likely cut yourself off from getting out of debt and cut yourself off from enjoying all the amazing benefits of from filing bankruptcy…FOR NO GOOD REASON.
Want to know what those myths are?
Click here: 16 Myths About Bankruptcy.
To your success,
John Orcutt
P.S. Always remember, we are still here to help.
ORCUTT LAW: You were so close to being “debt free”.
Just curious. You were so close to being “debt free”.
What happened?
You didn’t follow through with your bankruptcy filing.
Obviously, we thought you were a great candidate for the benefits that only filing bankruptcy can provide.
As a great candidate, you stood to get rid of a bunch of debt.
And getting rid of a bunch of debt meant you would have less bills to pay, less stress, less worry, less sleepless nights and, hopefully, a better life.
And filing would have put you in charge, instead of your creditors.
So, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened?
I would love to know.
In the next few emails, I will explore some of the many reasons client don’t follow through with filing bankruptcy.
Doing so, if nothing else, should at least deepen your understanding of bankruptcy, what it means, how it works and how it can make things better for your family.
I hope you find the information helpful.
I exist to get good, hard-working people, just like you, out of debt.
To your success,
John Orcutt
P.S. Always remember, when and if you are ready, we are still here to help.
ORCUTT LAW: Did we do or say something wrong?
Did we do or say something wrong?
I certainly respect your decision not to file bankruptcy.
That said, I worry that maybe we did or said something wrong.
Maybe we were not careful how we answered a questions or a concern and accidentally left you with the wrong impression about something.
This happens. Sometimes, we just don't take the time to make sure we fully understand your question, or maybe we did not fully appreciate the level of your concern.
Please feel free to call us and re-ask your question or re-tell us your concern. If you would, give us another crack at the question or concern.
Remember: Your FREE consultation is NEVER OVER until you get all the answers and information you need.
Or maybe we accidentally used some legal term or terms without taking the time to explain what it means.
Or maybe we didn’t realize how overwhelmed you were. We do this stuff all day long. We are used to it and familiar with the terms and how everything fits together. It’s easy to forget how confusing and overwhelming all this can be for clients who are looking at all of this for the first time.
Talking to us had to make you feel like you had walked into a weird alternative universe. I understand.
Give us another try, and this time, we want you to stop us every time we say something you don’t understand or which causes you confusion.
I want to make sure you understand everything. That’s the only way you will feel comfortable making decisions about moving forward with the process.
The last thing I would want is for you to miss out on getting out of debt and enjoying a better life based on any type of misunderstanding or bad information or confusion that we did not pick up on.
Your future may depend on getting out of debt by filing bankruptcy, and I don’t want you and your family to miss out on that.
Tell you what I am going to do.
You can call me personally. Me, attorney John Orcutt. I would love to hear about what went wrong and what we can do to fix it.
Here is my personal cell phone: (Will be displayed in the email) If I can’t answer, leave me message with your name, your phone number and why you called, and I promise to get back to you.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Fake news about bankruptcy.
There are a million reasons why people sign up with us and then don’t follow through with a filing.
Here is one of them.
Somebody tell you something negative about bankruptcy?
For example:
You'll never be able to buy a house.
These are just a few of the many items of “fake news” about “bankruptcy”.
This happens a lot.
Lots of well-meaning people in our lives tell us things that are just not true. They mean well, but unfortunately, they just don't know how debts or bankruptcy really work.
The problem is that clients don’t know any better and clients take them at their word.
And, the more confident these well-meaning people are, the more likely clients will assume they know what they are talking about.
If this happened to you, you are not alone. It happens to all of us. On non-bankruptcy related items, it has many times happened to me.
And, it’s easier to take their word for it than to take the time to go find out for ourselves.
Many times, these well-meaning people may sound totally reasonable.
But, if they are wrong, we make bad decisions based on “fake” information.
When it comes to bankruptcy, it happens all the time. Nothing is more misunderstood than bankruptcy.
Check out the “fake news”. I call them “myths”. Click here: 16 Myths About Bankruptcy.
At the worst of all is bad information you are convinced is correct.
Any which way, bad information is bad information, and making important decisions based on bad information never turns out well.
That is why you have us. We do nothing but deal with debts and bankruptcy law, all day long Don't take chances. Be on the same side.
If you think that there is even a 1% chance that you got bad information, call us.
We may not know everything about everything, but we do know everything about bankruptcy and how it works and what it means.
And, we are still here for you when you need us.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Never go against your "gut".
I have no way of knowing, but it may be that someone pushed you into calling us or pushed you into signing up with us. However, the most well-meaning friends and family can sometimes push too hard.
I don't know about you, but I hate when this happens to me.
I can't tell you how many times potential clients called us and then signed up with us, but only because a well-meaning friend or relative was pushing them to do so.
But, think about it. The very fact that you might need to be pushed or prodded into doing something means that your "gut" is telling you to resist and say "no".
My advice: Always listen to what your "gut" is telling you. In my experience, I have never, ever, even once, in all my 72 plus years on this earth, made a good decision when I went against my gut.
I can't be sure, but I firmly believe that God (or the universe, if you prefer) talks to us, and conveys "truth" to us, through the use of our "gut" feelings.
So, if signing up with us was contra to what your gut was telling you, I am glad you resisted.
It doesn't mean that filing bankruptcy is a bad thing. What it does mean is that you were either not ready to make the decision to file bankruptcy or that, at that moment, under the circumstances, it was the wrong decision for you.
And, no matter how good it would be to have less debt, less stress, less worry and less sleepless nights, until you "gut" gives you the "green light", you need to wait.
That said, hopefully, now, you will at least take the time to find out more about what this bankruptcy stuff is really all about. Why? Because, where bankruptcy works, it can be work wonders.
There's a reason clients and former clients are always telling us that "Filing bankruptcy was the best thing I did".
Please remember this: "Debts don't just go away on their own." and since filing bankruptcy is the ONLY thing that actually gets rid of debt, it only makes sense to learn more about bankruptcy.
To help, here is a link to my "200 Topics To Choose From" webpage, which contains a number of topics you may find of interest.
Just click here: 200 Topics To Choose From.
Lastly, always remember that if you need us, we are always still here to help.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe one of your creditors turned you off to bankruptcy.
This happens all the time. Let me explain.
Arguably, the worst thing you can do is get talking to a creditor.
I don’t think it is overstatement to say “Creditors hate bankruptcy”.
Why? Because they have a vested interest in making sure you do NOT file bankruptcy.
Why? Because, if you don't file, they can keep coming at you, over and over, for money. And, because, they know that if you do file, they can't. The minute you will bankruptcy, the law makes them STOP and go bother someone else.
As a result, they will almost certainly mislead you if they can. Creditors will tell you: “Oh, you don’t want to file bankruptcy” and words to the effect that “Bankruptcy is bad for you”. What they really mean is that your filing bankruptcy is bad for them.
At the worst of all is if they convince you that what they are saying is correct.
Any which way, bad information is bad information, and making important decisions based on bad information from a creditor never turns out well.
That is why you have us. We do nothing but deal with debts and the bankruptcy law. Don't take chances. Be on the same side.
If you think that there is even a 1% chance that you got bad information, call us. We may not know everything, but we do know everything about bankruptcy and how it works and what it means.
You, “debt free”. How does that sound?
Remember this: Your FREE consultation NEVER ENDS until you get all the answers and information you need.
To your success,
John Orcutt
P.S. Always remember, we are still here to help.
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you couldn’t come up with the money to file.
Assuming it was your intent to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, maybe you couldn’t come up with the money to get your Chapter 7 case filed.
This is a common problem and the very reason we offer a $0 Money Down Chapter 13 filing. If this was your problem, did we talk about our $0 money down program to see if you qualify?
If not, give us a call and let’s see if you qualify for $0 Money Down.
Even if Chapter 7 is the only way to go, here’s a thought.
Would it not make sense for you to move heaven and earth to come up with the money to file, if it means you can get of $10,O00, $20,000, $30,000, $40,000 or more of debt, and never have to make any more payments on that debt for the rest of your life?
In my experience, if we set our mind to something, we can get it done.
In my next email, I will tell you a story that proves it.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: The story I promised to tell.
The story I promised to tell:
You may not know this, but the bankruptcy law changed a lot back in 2005. At the time, we were all convinced it was over, that people, like you, would completely lose the right to file bankruptcy, and, with the change, lose right to get out of debt. It was all over the news. It was so bad, all of us attorneys were trying to figure out what we would do to earn a living in a post-bankruptcy world. The new law was going to go into effect August 5, 2005.
Then, a couple of months before August 5, 2005, the weirdest thing happened. All those clients, like you, who signed up with us, but didn’t follow through either filing started calling us to get filed before the deadline. I remember we had a file rack full of these files. There were hundreds of these files. During those 2 months leading up to the deadline, it seemed like these files just flew off this rack.
Somehow, people, who couldn’t come with the money, all of a sudden got desperate and somehow found the money, when it looked like they were going to lose the right to file bankruptcy, when push came to shove.
And, we were thrilled to get all the clients filed, but it always hit me as sad.
Because it hit me how much pain, stress, worry, and sleepless nights all these people had continued to endure in not having initially followed through with a filing in the first place. So much pain, for them and their families. Pain, stress, worry, and sleepless nights that could have been completely eliminated, months, if not years before, if only they had initially followed through with their bankruptcy filing earlier on.
Please, please, don’t be one of those people.
If you really need to file, if you really need the fresh start and the second chance at life that only filing bankruptcy can provide, get back in here, and let’s get it done.
If coming up with the money to file is the issue, get desperate. In my experience, if you get desperate enough, you can find the money. Beg, borrow, but don’t steal it. You’ll be glad you did. Getting rid of tens of thousands of dollars in debt and interest and penalties will immediately transform your life for the better.
I want that for you. It’s why I exist.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: All of my clients get to file bankruptcy for FREE.
All of our clients get to file bankruptcy for FREE.
Did you know that?
It’s true. How?
Easy! We use your creditor’s money to pay for your entire bankruptcy.
Here is the proof. Just click here: How All Our Clients File For FREE.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe the paperwork was too hard.
Maybe the paperwork was too hard.
We hear this a lot.
But, if you think about it, all we needed from you is information about the person you know best…YOU.
And, whether you realized it or not, 90% of our questions you could answer off the top of your head.
And then, we needed documents from you about you, but generally only documents you already had, or had access to.
Sure, the paperwork can seem overwhelming, but it’s not as if you were being asked to prepare the ton of documents necessary to get your case filed. That’s our job.
Whether you realized it or not, all we were really asking of you was somewhere between 3 and 10 hours of your time.
Sure, it was a pain in the butt. But the truth is that 3 to 10 hours of your time is the price you pay to instantly get rid of 10’s OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS worth of debt. Debt that you would never have to pay back, debt gone, FULLY, FINALLY and FOREVER.
Let's talk return on investment: Depending upon how much debt you were going to get rid of, your return on the investment of only 3 to 10 hours of your time was worth anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per hour.
Say, you were going to get rid of $10,000 in debt by filing bankruptcy. Even if it took you a full 10 hours to get us all the information we needed, that’s like getting paid $1,000 per hour for your time.
Would you take a job for $1,000 per hour?
Another example: Let’s say you are one of my more organized clients, someone who keeps good records of everything, so much so that it only takes you 3 hours to get us all the information we need to get your case filed. And let’s say you stand to get rid of $30,000 worth of debt. Your return on your investment of 3 hours would be $10,000 per hour.
Do you see what I mean?
The time spent would be the best return on investment you would ever get in your whole life.
I know. I know. You already had enough things pulling on you before the paperwork, and it can seem overwhelming.
But, you were never in it alone. We were and would be with you and completely on your side again… all the way.
Is it time to make another run at this thing?
You “debt free”. Sound good?.
It’s your future. Do you want it?
Is it time to take up where we left off?
Get started TODAY!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
If you are ready, we are always still here to help.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Do you still have more debts than you can pay?
Do you still have more debts than you can pay?
Maybe things are better now. I dearly hope that is the case.
Unfortunately, unless you win the lottery and, with it, enough money to pay off your debts, the reality is that “debts don’t just go away”.
I wish it were different. I wish debts would just go away. What a wonderful world that would be.
And, for the record, I don’t wish a bankruptcy filing on anybody that does not need it.
But, where filing bankruptcy works, it works WONDERS.
It flat out gets rid of debt, puts creditors under control, gets rid of stress, worry and sleepless nights, gives you a chance at a “fresh start”, and a reason to, once again, look forward in joy and excitement, to the dawning of each brand new day.
Stuff that will make you say “Wow!”
Is it time to get back moving forward with the kind of help that only filing bankruptcy can provide?
When you are ready, know that we are always still here to help.
Get started TODAY!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe, the pressure from the bill collectors fell off and filing bankruptcy seemed less urgent.
If so, I understand. Having to deal with debts and, at the same time, all the other problems of day-to-day life can wear you out.
And less pressure from your creditors can be a welcome relief.
But, unfortunately, the reality is that "Debt's don't just go away on their own." And worse, the creditors just keep adding interest, fees and penalties to your balance. And, as much as I wish it were different, you will never get out of debt paying only "minimum payments".
And, sooner than later, the pressure of the bill collectors will return. It’s just a matter of time before your creditors, once again, “let the dog out”. It may already have happened. Am I wrong? And when the pressure returns, it is always more intense.
You know it, and I know it. The creditors are never going to give you a pass. And, if they let up on you while you were signed up with us, as soon as they find out you are no longer under the guidance of a bankruptcy attorney, likely, a hell will break lose. It may already have happened.
You do have a choice. You can wait until the pressure becomes unbearable, or we can take up where we left off and get you the help you need, so you never have to feel the pressure again.
You, “debt free”. How would that make you feel?
When you need us, just know this: We are still here to help.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you lost a job or some income?
Maybe you lost your job or enough of your income that it made it difficult or impossible to pay the fees necessary to get your Chapter 7 or 13 case filed. Or because of it, it became impossible to afford to pay the proposed Chapter 13 payment.
If so, we understand. Just remember this.
When you replace that job or income, we are still here to help.
We can take up where we left off.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe we didn't address some issue that was important to you.
We can fix that. Just call us.
Get started TODAY!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
Just remember this: Your FREE consult NEVER ENDS until you get all the answers and information you need.
To your success,
John Orcutt
P.S. Always remember, if you need us, we are still here for you.
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you thought filing bankruptcy would hurt your credit score.
Maybe you thought filing bankruptcy would hurt your credit score.
That's what everybody thinks, but it's NOT TRUE.
It is one of the myths about bankruptcy, "fake news" is you will.
First off, nobody files bankruptcy who has a great credit score. If you have a great credit score, you are likely paying all your bills "on time", in which case you wouldn't need to file bankruptcy.
Think about it. If you are current on your bills and there is no reason to believe you won't be in the foreseeable future, why would you go to see a bankruptcy attorney.
Second, bankruptcy doesn't kill your credit score. Not paying your bills "on time" is what kills your credit score.
Said another way: Debt is the enemy. NOT bankruptcy.
So, if you resisted following through on your bankruptcy filing because you thought filing would hurt your credit score, that make no sense.
In fact, the opposite is true.
If your credit score is already in the toilet or heading in that direction, filing bankruptcy is the first step to a credit score of 720 or even higher.
Why? Because filing bankruptcy gets rid of debt. Get rid of the debts you can't afford and, hopefully, you can get back to paying the rest of your bills "on time". Getting back to paying your bills "on time" is the key to re-building a higher credit score.
That's why filing bankruptcy is the first step to a higher credit score.
Find out more. Click here: Bankruptcy And Your Credit Score
If you need us, remember we are always still here.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe you just got distracted by other things going on your life.
That happens to all of us. Problems and obligations come up and things we mean to get done today get put off to tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year.
Just know this. When you are ready, we are still here to help.
In most cases, we can just take up where we left off.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Filing bankruptcy is a right you received because of our United States Constitution?
Filing bankruptcy is a right you received because of our United States Constitution?
Did you know that?
You might ask why.
The answer is because the framers of our U.S. Constitution understood that people crushed under the burden of debt become unproductive members of society and, maybe even worse, a burden to others.
In order words, by letting you out from under the crushing burden of debt, it puts you in a position where, once again, you can be a productive and helpful parent, family member, friend, church member, follow worker, and member of society.
Right there in our U.S. Constitution, bankruptcy is expressly authorized. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 authorizes Congress to enact "uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States".
And Congress did, and because of it, you can file bankruptcy and, among other benefits, you simply say "bye bye" to a bunch of debt.
Ready to exercise your Constitutional right?
Is it time to take up where we left off?
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Maybe your situation has changed in other ways since you decided to file bankruptcy.
Maybe your situation has changed in other ways since you decided to file bankruptcy.
For example, Covid 19 was quite the distraction.
Let’s face it. The world turned upside down.
For a couple of years, it was tough to focus on anything other than getting through the new Covid 19 world.
Besides which, during Covid, all or most of the pressure came off in terms of paying bills. No lawsuits. No foreclosure. No student loan payments. No vehicle repossessions. No evictions. Etc.
For many, that was good news. For a lot of people, it was the mental break they may have needed.
Unfortunately, that break came at a price.
Other than with student loans, the payments were still coming due and interest was accruing. For example, most people thought that mortgage “forbearance” meant there was no payment coming due. Not true, as many, if not all of you, found out the hard way.
Well, as you know, more recently, the pressure came back on.
Nasty calls from creditors. Vehicle repossessions to beat the band. Foreclosures going ahead full steam to catch up with all the delinquencies. Evictions. Lawsuits. You name it.
Just know this. When you are ready, we are still here to help.
In most cases, we can just take up where we left off.
Is it time to take up where we left off, to get your bankruptcy case filed, and you on the way to “debt free”?
Get started TODAY!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: About information I have sent you.
Since you were a client of ours, as you know, I have written and sent you a series of emails to provide you information, answers, comfort and support to both:
(1) To help you navigate the debt waters on your own and
(2) To give you a deeper understanding of bankruptcy, so that if you, once again, feel the need to look into filing, you will know more about what it is, how it works, and what it can do for you and your family. The results can be amazing.
I only wish I had done so sooner. These emails could well have provided you the information you needed to keep things on track so that, by now, your case would have been filed and likely be on your way to “debt free”.
Well, better late than never.
What I don’t know is whether you have seen all these emails.
Want to take a sneak peek at the topics I cover? You can. Just click here: (This is the webpage)
Take a look.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Still have more debts that you can pay?
Obviously, at some point, we agreed that you were a good candidate for filing bankruptcy, that filing bankruptcy made sense, and that you and your family needed the kind of “fresh start” and “second chance” that only filing bankruptcy can provide.
Well, know this. We are still here, ready to serve you, ready to get it done.
Do you still need the kind of help that only filing bankruptcy can provide?
Is it time to take up where we left off?
Get started TODAY!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: 7 More Things You May Want To Avoid.
Given the possibility that you might, in the months ahead, decide to once again look into filing bankruptcy, here are some actions you may want to avoid.
It may be that what you want to do is perfectly O.K., but why take a chance.
We would hate for you to do something that you might later regret.
Call us first. Why? Because you need to know how these actions might negatively affect your bankruptcy filing.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: There is HARD and there is EASY.
There is HARD and there is EASY.
That's HARD.
Or you can choose EASY.
Bankruptcy is EASY.
Why? Because bankruptcy gets rid of debt.
You have debt. ⇒ You file. ⇒ You don't have debt.
Before you continue with to take on hard, come back and let’s take another look at EASY.
I tell it best in my video: (Make sure your speakers are on) HARD and EASY video.
Are you ready to check out easy?
Is it time to take up where we left off?
Get started TODAY!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Here’s a thought: Think Bankruptcy FIRST, not LAST.
Have you held off filing bankruptcy until you try everything else?
That may be a mistake.
In a very real sense, bankruptcy should to be the FIRST thing you look at.
Not the LAST.
It can save you years of heartache agonizing over bills you can’t afford to pay.
It can save you thousands of dollars paid out on debts you could have gotten rid of.
And it can free up money better spent on your kids.
Let’s face it.
The world has turned upside down.
We solve debt you don't have to.
I say it best in my video: (Make sure your speakers are on) Bankruptcy FIRST, not LAST video.
Is it time to take up where we left off?
Call today.
Get started today!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Debts don’t just go away on their own.
Debts don’t just go away on their own.
I wish they did.
Instead, they just get worse, with accumulating interest and penalties, not to mention, the stress, worry and sleepless nights.
Has your debt situation gotten any better since you were with us?
If the answer is “no”, is it time to take up where we left off?
We are still here, ready to help.
Did you know that?
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Is it time to put your kids first?
When you have too many bills to pay, your hard-earned money gets sucked away to pay your creditors, and there's less money to spend on your kids.
As a result, you kids suffer.
Want to change that?
You can. File bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy kills off debt. That’s what it does.
Kill off enough debts and there is less debt to pay.
Less debt to pay means more money to use for your kids.
Just saying!
Are you ready to put your kids first?
Is it time to take up where we left off?
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Is it time to finally get you the kind of help that only filing bankruptcy can provide?
Think about it. You… “debt free”.
Sound good?
Remember, filing bankruptcy is the ONLY thing that actually gets rid of debt, as if it never existed.
Is it time to take up where we left off?
When and if you need us, know that we are always still here to help.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Bankruptcy: The immediate solution to higher grocery costs.
Bankruptcy: The fast track to the money you need to buy a lot more than just eggs.
Bankruptcy gets rid of debt. Less debts means less bills to pay. Less bills to pay means you would have more of your money freed up to but more groceries (and eggs).
And not eventually…IMMEDIATELY. Let me explain.
The minute you decide to get back in and started on getting your bankruptcy case filed, is the minute you have more money for groceries.
Why? Because that is when we tell you to stop paying on the debts you will get rid of by filing bankruptcy.
Let’s say, for example that you are still paying out $300 to $500 per month on bills we can eat rid of. That’s $300 to $500 per month, every month, that would be immediately available to buy more groceries, the minute you get back in and decide to move forward with your bankruptcy filing. That’s huge.
You would be back to being able to afford to fill your shopping cart again.
What could be more important now that the cost of groceries has nearly doubled?
Wouldn’t you love to get all your eggs in one basket?
We are still here to help.
Is it time to take up where we left off?
Call today.
Get started today!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Here is something I always tell my staff.
Here is something I always tell my staff:
“People have to be ready to file bankruptcy. Like fruit on a tree, they have to ‘ripen’ to the prospect of seriously filing bankruptcy. All we can do, in the meantime, is answer their questions, address their concerns, tell them what bankruptcy is, how it works, what it means, how it can drastically improve their lives, how it can give them back their future, and totally be there for them, so that, if and when they are ready, they want to come back to us for help.”
In the meantime, it’s the nature of things to people to explore any and all alternatives like: cutting back on expenses, looking for ways to earn more money, trying to obtain more credit or more loans, falling back on savings and retirement accounts, borrowing from friends and relatives, and so forth, and the list goes on.
And, when none of that works, to learn to deal with the feelings and emotions that come with the stress and sleepless nights worrying about bills they can’t pay and the things they need, but can’t afford.
The feelings and emotions are the hardest thing to deal with.
This is when people realize you can’t fix it on your own.
The worst part is not knowing what to do or where to turn.
Somewhere along the way, they hear about “bankruptcy” as something to look into, and they reach out to at least find out how all this bankruptcy stuff works.
It’s all part of the natural ripening process.
So, it may well be, that when you signed up with us, you were really not, so to speak, “ripe” and, as a result, had “buyer’s remorse” and dropped out.
If so, I understand. All people have to be ready to file bankruptcy, no matter how good it is at “forgiving me my debts”, giving you your life back and providing you with a “fresh start”.
So, my advice to you. As much as I hate to see you miss out on getting "debt relief" now, as much as I hate to see you living a life of stress, worry and sleepless night as a result of having more bills than you can pay, as much as I hate to see you continue to pay out hard-earned money on debts you can get rid of, if need be, try everything else first.
I hope you succeed.
But, if you don’t or just wear yourself out trying, know that “We are still here to help”.
The truth is that we hear from hundreds of families every week.
That’s right, hundreds of families every week.
Like you, all of these families have debt problems.
And, perhaps like you, not all of them are ready, or even close to ready, to seriously consider filing bankruptcy.
Again, just know this: When and if you do get ready, we are still here for you.
Just don’t wait so long that not even filing bankruptcy can help.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Did you ever get a chance to read any of our Google reviews?
There’s a reason we have over 2,500 “5 Star” Google reviews.
All written by clients and former clients just like you.
They will give you a glimpse of what you are missing out on.
But don’t take my word for it.
Read them for yourself.
I dare you to read them and not feel uplifted and positive.
Click here: Our Google Reviews
Is it time to take up where we left off?
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Want to get back to a credit score of 720, or even higher?
File bankruptcy.
The key to a higher credit score is paying your bills “on time”.
Bankruptcy gets rid of bills you can't afford.
Get rid of the bills you can’t afford and you can get back to paying the rest of your bills "on time".
Get back to paying your bills "on time" is the key to a higher credit score.
Get back to paying your bills "on time" and your credit score will start to rise.
Find out more. Click here: Bankruptcy And Your Credit Score
Is it time to take up where we left off.
We are always here to help.
Call today.
Get started today!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Nothing more so misunderstood than bankruptcy.
Many things in life are misunderstood,
...perhaps none more so than bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy is neither a punishment, nor a reward.
It is not a judgment on character, nor a test of your integrity.
It is merely a law enacted by a government,
...that long ago saw fit to recognize,
...that good, hardworking Americans, just like you,
...deserve a second chance at success, from the burden of never-ending debt.
A law that forgives debt, encourages hope, and fosters dreams of better times and brighter days.
A law that is our privilege and honor to apply.
Is it time for your “second chance”?
How about we take up where we left off?
Call today.
Get started today!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Did we make it clear that bankruptcy actually gets rid of debt?
Did we make it clear that bankruptcy actually gets rid of debt?
Lots of debt, as if those debts never existed.
Debts like credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, repo and foreclosure deficiencies, etc., etc.
This is important because, for most people, this goes against their programming, so much so that, at least at first, it is impossible to understand.
The truth is that we are so programmed to pay our bills, so much so that the thought of not having to do so, is just too hard to comprehend.
It's like having your reality is being turned upside down.
So many times, we consult with people and go through the entire consultation, only to have them turn to us at the end and say: "Yeah, yeah, but when do I have to pay them back?"
The answer: "NEVER".
Why? Because bankruptcy is a Federal law, a Federal law that gives you the right, at least one time, to get rid of certain debts… and know cases, all your debts.
Why? Because that's just how the law works. It's a right you have under United States law, as an American, that applies if things get so bad that you have more bills than you can pay.
All you have to do is claim your right under the law, and many, if not most, if not all of your debts will be gone, fully, finally and forever.
Just ask us. If we haven’t already done so, we will tell you exactly which debts you can get rid of by filing bankruptcy.
If it helps you to understand, think of it as the "forgiveness" of debt under the law. The legal term for this is "discharge". These debts are said to be "discharged". But, the bottom line is this: When they are "discharged", they are gone, gone, gone, FULLY, FINALLY AND FOREVER.
Most people find that hard to believe; that you could just file some papers with the court and certain debts are gone.
But, it's true, and it has always been true as long as that law has been on the books.
If it helps, think of it this way:
"You owe, you file, you don’t owe.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Bankruptcy is the ONLY thing that actually gets rid of debt?
In my last email, I proved that filing bankruptcy gets rid of debt.
Did you know that bankruptcy is the ONLY thing that actually gets rid of debt?
Others promise, but only bankruptcy delivers.
There are lots of companies out there that make it sound like they can get rid of your debt. Lots of them are scams that just take your money and leave you worse off. At best, they knock down your interest rate a little.
They attract customers by overselling and misrepresenting what they can do, and by feeding off of all the misinformation bankruptcy.
"Oh, you don't want to file bankruptcy" they say, and this works.
Why? Because they feed off of the myths about bankruptcy. But, by definition, myths are not true. Myths are simply things that most people believe, even though they are not true.
Here is a link that explains…and DEBUNKS…many of the myths about bankruptcy: 16 Bankruptcy Myths
Bottom line: Filing bankruptcy is the ONLY thing that actually gets rid of debt.
Here is a link that proves the point: Bankruptcy Compared To The Altenatives
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Most of our bankruptcy clients don't lose anything, except their debts.
Did you know that?
The myth is that if you file bankruptcy, you will lose everything you have. NOT TRUE.
Most of our clients don't lose anything.
For right now, just assume that if you file bankruptcy, you won't lose a thing…except a bunch of debts.
Did you know this? Come back in. We will take another look at your situation and tell you for sure.
Is it time to take up where we left off?
We are always here to help.
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Is your life on hold until you get out of debt?
Is your life on hold until you get out of debt?
Just saying.
I understand completely.
Want to change that?
Are you finally ready to get out of debt?
Is it time we took up where we left off?
Call today.
Get started today!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Deep in debt and feeling ashamed?
Deep in debt and feeling ashamed?
I understand. That’s just being human.
Truth is...we're all running from something.
The "real" shame would be to just sit there and do NOTHING.
Do nothing, and one thing is sure:
Life will pass you by.
Don’t want life to pass you by?
Then, maybe it's time to put that shame in the "rear-view mirror",
... get back in here...and get out of debt.
Are you ready to get out of debt?
Are you ready to put that shame in the "rear-view mirror"?
Then maybe it's time to take up where we left off.
Call today.
Get started today!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: The first step to the fulfillment of your dreams.
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible. Then they seem improbable. And then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
By: Christopher Reeve
Let’s take the first step. Let’s start with the easiest.
Let’s get you out of debt.
...and then you can focus on your dreams.
Are you ready to get out of debt?
Let's take up where we left off.
Call today.
Get started today!
Day or night, call toll free to 1-888-234-6468
To your success,
John Orcutt
ORCUTT LAW: Bankruptcy: IMMEDIATE Solution for Higher Grocery Prices?
I don’t know if you ever thought about this:
Less bills to pay means more money for groceries.
As you know “inflation” is the flavor of the year, with no end in sight. The cost of everything is up.
But, the thing that really hits us in the face in the cost of groceries.
Bankruptcy is a great answer to inflation. If you are still paying on credit cards and other debts up you can rid of by filing bankruptcy, you are sending to your creditors money that could be used to buy more things like groceries.
In this economy, it’s tough to earn more money. The alternative is to cut costs. And one of those costs is the money you send your creditors every month.
Let’s say you are still paying out $300 every month on credit card payments that you can get rid of by filing bankruptcy. That’s $300 per month, every month that you could be spending on groceries by simply filing bankruptcy.
Better yet: That money could become available IMMEDIATELY, the minute you recommit to filing bankruptcy.
You see, the minute you decide to file bankruptcy, is the minute we tell you to stop paying on the debts we are going to get rid of. In some cases, we then use this money to help pay for your bankruptcy filing. However, unless that money is needed to pay your bankruptcy filing, that money is immediately freed up to provide more money for things like groceries.
We already know you are a good candidate for filing bankruptcy.
Is it time to take up where we left off?
To your success,
John Orcutt
Debts Hurt! Got debt? Need help? Get started below!
Serving All of North Carolina
Bankruptcy Attorneys Raleigh NC (North)
6616 Six Forks Rd #203 Raleigh, NC 27615 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 847-9750
Bankruptcy Attorney Fayetteville NC
2711 Breezewood Ave Fayetteville, NC 28303 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 323-2972
Bankruptcy Attorney Durham NC
1738 Hillandale Rd Suite D Durham, NC 27705 North Carolina
Tel: (919) 286-1695
Bankruptcy Attorneys Greensboro NC
2100 W Cornwallis Dr. STE O Greensboro, NC 27408 North Carolina
Tel: (336) 542-5993
Bankruptcy Attorneys Southport NC
116 N Howe St. Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 218-8682
Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilmington NC
116 N. Howe Street, Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina
Tel: (910) 447-2987